Hi Wim,
I have downloaded and added the wsMetNoSA script but it is not working correctly for me http://www.komokaweather.com/wxmetnoFcstpage.php. I have edited metnoSettings.php as follows:
. . . removed to shorten
but shows "MetNoForecast. yourArea" and "by: yourStationName". Any suggestion on how to have the MetNo script show the correct $SITE{'yourArea'] and ['organ'] information?
Also, the forecast is not correct as it shows temperature
. . . remove to shorten
I don't really need both YrNo and MetNo but just trying them and see which I would prefer.
Thanks for your work on this,
Hello Paul,
The stand alone versions use the settings file.
The saratoga version do not, as they can use the settings from within the Saratoga template.
First time installing follow these steps:
1. Move the wsMetNoSA folder to the root of the website
2. Modify the settingsfile and test
All translated metno xml's are cached inside the
wsMetNoSA/cache/ folder.
So with every change in the settings, please clear the cache file.
When everything is OK:
3. Modify the settings inside the wxmetnoFcstpage by either supplying the correct values when there is no equivalent Saratoga setting or mark the line as comment.
4. Move the wxmetnoFcstpage to the Saratoga folder (mostly the root).
5. Test the page and when everything is OK add an entry to the menu.
Now all translated metno xml's are cached inside the Saratoga
cache/ folder.
Again, with every change please delete the cache file.
Cache files are coded like:
metnoCreateArr.php-50.89518-4.69741-C-kmh-mm-hPaIn your case you changed the Latitude and Longitude in the settingsfile but that affected only the stand-alone / demo versions.
There are numerous versions of Saratoga-settings files, often modified by their users.
So therefor when running inside the Saratoga template you
have to check the settings inside the wxmetnoFcstpage.php. In your case the lat/long were probably set to somewhere in Europe.
I hope this clarifies things,