By request, this new forum has been created for discussions about building dynamic weather websites with PHP and/or AJAX/JavaScript functionality.
So.. where can you get free scripts?
Here's a list (and I'll try to keep this current -- post additional suggestions in this thread).
These folks have offered free PHP scripts:
Anole formerly of (now available
here * WXGraphic : the quintessential weather banner/avatar script
* NHCfeedparser : National Hurricane Center RSS feed display
Carterlake at * PHP custom tags - This simple script powers!
* PHP Weather Underground Radar Text
* PHP NOAA Advisory
* Radar Resize with Cache & Second Version - Resizes our radar image, includes caching and "Radar Down" text in image.
* Simple Radar Resize - Simple code for resizing radar image on the fly.
* TRACreportshort: takes Nexstorm's full TRACreport and shortens it to a more managable size for displaying.
* TRAC Graphic - A web based add-on to Nexstorm's TRAC Report, the TRAC Graphic takes the location of storm cells in the report and maps them to a graphic for display on a website. This was a joint project by myself and Jozef in Belgium ( The script is featured on Astrogenic's website!
* PHP client graphs - These are US versions of graphs by Jozef in Belgium (, derived from Kevin's work at TNET Weather. These graphs require the installation of JP Graph. The graphs require Weather Display and the clientraw feature.
* Rotating wind arrow - This is a proof of concept idea from code developed by Ben Summers.
* METAR Temps on Radar - Demo This takes data from a list of METARs and outputs a GRLevelx placefile of data..
Ken at PHP/AJAX website templates Scripts for:
NWS Forecast with icons
NWS Area Forecast Discussion
Envt. Canada Forecast/Advisory (English/French)
WXSIM Forecast with icons - multi-lingual
WXSIM Forecast with icons RSS 2.0 feed multi-lingual
Wunderground forecast with icons - multi-lingual
UV Index forecast by lat/long
NOAA ATOM/CAP Top Warning (PHP5)
NOAA ATOM/CAP multifeed processor (PHP5)
NHC RSS advisory
SPC RSS mesoscale disc.
METEOalarm warnings
Envt.Canada Lighting Danger (English/French)
Weather Underground Radar/Maps (USA)
GRLevel3 radar image PHP/Animation
NEXRAD Station status (USA)
Envt. Canada Radar (English/French)
NDBC Buoy data mesomap
Global Network Map
Regional Network Map
METAR display
NOAA Climate report (NOAA.txt) display
NWS CPC USA Extremes
Earthquakes (USA, Canada, UK, World)
Image handlers
Resize/Cache NexStorm, WASP2
Resize/Cache NOAA IOD
Wind Direction Icons
PHP Website Utilities
NWS/EC Weather Radio stream player
Post Twitter WX conds/fcst w/OAuth
PHP Weather-Display Tags
PHP for CSS dropdown menus
PHP for thermometer graphic (WD/VWS/Cumulus)
References for programmers
Got PHP? Test it!
Legacy Scripts
Relayweather scripts
Curly's scripts
Scotts's scripts
Jerry Wilkins of SE Lincoln Weather Scripts at scripts were written primarily for the Saratoga template, but many offer non-template usage.
Many make use of HAnIS for map animation.
* 10 Day Jet Stream+ Forecast by UNISYS
* CPC Long Term Outlook
* CPC Outlook & Drought Monitor
* CPC Short Term Outlook
* Composite 4 Hr. US GOES Loop
* Composite Big 12 Hr. US GOES Loop
* GOES16 Satellite Loops
* N Am 24 Hr. Surface Analysis
* N Am 24 Hr. Surface Analysis Loops
* NOAA/NWS US Advisory Maps
* NOAA/NWS WFO Text Products
* NWS 3 Day Precipitation Loops
* NWS 3 Day Snow & Ice FC Map Loops
* NWS SPC Severe Wx Probabilities
* NWS US 3 Day Excess Rain Forecast
* NWS Winter 3 Day Surface Lows
* NWS Winter Snow & Ice Forecasts
* Past 12 Hr. 24 Hr. US Temp. Change
* SPC Main Page Emulator
* SSEC Worldwide Basin Loops
* UNL Drought Monitor Plus
* US & Terr. Ridge Radars
* US 1-3 D. & 3-7 D. Front Forecasts
* US Radar by Region
* WPC Significant River Flood Outlook
TNETweather (Kevin Reed) at * WD Clientraw Descriptions (now at )
* WD NOAA Report PHP Parser
* PHP Weather Calculation Functions
* PHP Weather Fact Code
* Parsing WD Clientraw files in PHP (now at )
* Included File PHP website design (the Saratoga templates are based on this design)
* Wind-rose graphics
* WDS - WD Sparkline Graphics Utility
* Clientraw-process.php Script (now at )
* WD Avg/Extreme Extraction Script
* WD Extraction Script Snippet - climatedatayearout.html
* WD Extraction Script Snippet - climatedataout.html
Scott formerly of offered the Weather-Display scripts:
(now available
here * Logfile Error Detect Utility
* Alt-Dashboard 6.9x Script ( for Saratoga templates using Weather-Display)
* MOBILE Dashboard 1.9x Script ( for Saratoga templates using Weather-Display)
* High/Low/Averages Script
and several collections of icons.
Murry at offers scripts for Saratoga template use
For Cumulus, WeatherLink and VWS at :
* Daily Records
* Detail and Summary Files For Temperature, Rain, Wind, Wind Run, Degree Days
* JpGraphs of Rain, Wind, & Temperature data from the NOAA reports
For Weather-Display only at :
* Daily Records
* Detail and Summary Files For Temperature, Rain, Wind, Wind Run, Snowfall, Snow Depth, Barometric Pressure, Degree Days, Sunshine Hours, Max Solar, Solar kWh, UV, Dew Point, Wet Bulb, Soil Temperature, Evapotranspiration
* JpGraphs of Rain, Wind, & Temperature data from dailynoaareportxxx files
* Rain / Temperature Trends
Joe at * The free HAMweather PHP scripts can be used to display everything from a simple forecast to a complete weather sites with current conditions, satellite, radar, seven day forecasts, hourly forecasts, hurricanes and more. Templates can be designed and/or modified as needed to fit a site's look and feel. Personal weather stations that contribute data to the Personal Weather Station Program can display their data as the current conditions for their area, display other personal weather station data for other locations, use RAWS data or display the regular METAR data. With HWimage you can offer weather images to be displayed on other web sites with forecasts and current conditions (even your own station's current conditions) that link back to your own web site. Add on modules can be subscribed to providing custom radar and satellite maps with site branding and videos.
Jim at Juneau County Weather, WI ( )
* PHP - WeatherUnderground History display for your station
* PHP for Dynamic Updating WAP Page (XHTML MP files to be viewed on mobile phones)
* AnimateGR3 is a php script that will create an animated .gif using a sequence of input files produced by GRLevel3 Radar software. It's used to make a small GRLevel3 thumbnail image product but is can easily be modified to handle other requirements.
Chris of has posted the Fire Danger Graphic (Chandler Burning Index) PHP script at
* of Long Beach, WA ( formerly of ) offered scripts, but these are no longer supported or available:
* PHP Multifunction Image Handler
* PHP Webcam Text Overlay
* PHP WeatherUnderground Webcam Uploader
* PHP List Generator
* Wind-rose Graphics (for ajax-dashboard/ajax-sidebar or AJAX scripts ajaxWDwx.js or ajaxVWSwxf.js)
* Style Sheet generator/modifier for Carterlake/AJAX/PHP script template set
* Theme Selector plugin for Carterlake/AJAX/PHP script template set
Curly at Michiana Weather ( formerly
(now available
here )
* AJAX functions and template for WeatherLink driven weather websites
Jim at Southern Maryland Weather Center, Lexington Park, Maryland ( )
This script retrieves and diplays the latest Upper Air Sounding report and RUC2 runs. This script can be configured for
various station IDs.
This script displays the latest HIGH DENSITY OBSERVATION reports. These reports are derived from US Air Force
reconnaissance flights into tropical storms and hurricanes.
This script displays the latest VORTEX report from NOAA reconaisance flights into the center of tropical systems.
Shawn at * FTP Upload Status Scripts
* Hamvid Presentation Script
More to be added....
Best regards,
Edit: added Hamweather scripts to the post.. thanks Joe!
Edit: added AnimateGR3 script to the post .. thanks Jim!
Edit: added FireDanger script to the post .. thanks Chris!
Edit: added DynamicWAP script to the post .. thanks Jim!
Edit: updated some entries, added Mike Challis' scripts
Edit: updated Juneau County Weather Scripts .. thanks Jim!
Edit: updated Mike Challis' scripts (he's been BUSY!),
added Curly's AJAX for WeatherLink
updated entries
Edit: added Jim's Esperanza Weather Center Scripts
Edit: added Shawn's Castle Rock Weather Scripts
Edit: corrected Mike Challis' (642Weather) and Jim's (SoMDWeather) URLs
Edit: added Scott's scripts link.
Edit: added Murray's scripts link.
Edit: added links to legacy scripts area on for Anole's, Scott's and Curly's scripts. Also updated the list for scripts/templates.
Edit: Added Jerry's scripts links and adjusted some TNETweather links after Kevin Reed's untimely passing in January, 2018
Edit: Updated Jerry's script listing