Hi - I just discovered this topic and was wondering if anyone had been able to find the proper format of the Heavyweather Pro 1.5.4 history.dat file documented anywhere? I have been trying to write code to read this data and I seem to be able to get most of it, except for the absolute pressure and the total rainfall.
I have a WS-2810-U (2811, 2812 - same platform) and did find this link that described the packed data record for earlier versions of the software:
http://www.niftythings.org/HeavyWeather%20History%20Format.txtBut no matter how I tweak the requested data types, I get incorrect values for those two elements. Using the data types provided in the document, I get 10101010.0 for every entry of the Absolute pressure, and large negative numbers like -107374176.0 for total rainfall.
In theory, I could re-calculate the absolute pressure by finding the standard offset value by looking at any entry in the currdat.lst file, and could re-calculate total rainfall by summing up the amounts from each row as I loop through them. It just seems that this data would not be coded incorrectly in the original history file on purpose, so I assume these two values are encoded differently than the documentation that I have been able to find.
Since I am able to properly pull all the other values, I assume that the data format is slightly different that what I am reading in the document link above.....but have not been able to find anything more current.
Anyone else have any better luck for documentation on Pro v1.5.2?