This is my barometer reading for the last two days.
I am working on this theory that changes in barometer changes student behavior.
The last day and a half have been bad.
The kids started getting restless and unfocused about 11:00 yesterday. So I looked at the barometer (or as I call it- the student behavior meter

) and sure enough it had started to drop. By 1pm, it was dropping rapidly and my students were losing focus fast. I walked into the hall and it was madness. Very loud, kids running and a buzz about the building. Another teacher walked by and said "What is going on? My classes are crazy and the halls are nuts!!" (barometer)
Today-the same thing. My first period was very restless and unfocused. I would stop talking for 5 seconds and they were gone. It was very surprising since I have the advanced classes-but they are still 8th graders at heart. Second period not as bad after I read them the riot act.
Halls were crazy. Other teachers commented that their kids were very restless today. ISS was FULL- so many kids were being booted from class.
My own kids were not saved. They talk, but it was like listening to 2 chipmunks on the way home from school. Kids are girls 10 and 6.
The ten year old seemed to have lost all common sense and practical thought. The six year old was very jumpy and hyper.
After dealing with this all day-I am stressed, grumpy and tired. I try to handle it, but it takes a toll on me too.
The chart attached shows the dates, time and barometer change. The circled section was yesterday-falling rapidly from 30.35 to 30.18
in 4.5 hours. My station called it falling rapidly.
Since then there has been a constant free fall as the warm front moves in along with a weak low pressure.
Last year- I would take daily data on barometer changes, fronts, moon phases etc. and compare it to office referrals and general behavior in the classroom. Unofficially, I came to the conclusion that changes in barometer makes the kids unfocused and restless. Almost to the point where I could tell the drop in barometer BEFORE I looked at the charts.
I have found a little about this on the net but I think I have groundbreaking information. I am thinking about sending out a daily bulletin with the barometer reading and what to expect and how to adapt.
Have any of you felt like this or observed this as the weather changes. My knee hurts and I get headaches at times. My ten year old gets headaches too.
There is also a book called "The Man who Predicts Earthquakes" Jim Berkland and the author talks about people that get headaches before earthquakes. And animals that act differently or run away before quakes.
Discuss amongst yourselves.
ps-As of 10:00pm- the barometer is still dropping and the kids are in bed!!!!