Author Topic: AWN forum?  (Read 954 times)

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Offline TRC1961

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AWN forum?
« on: December 13, 2024, 05:48:40 PM »
Is there a forum for the Ambient Weather Network web site? Like there's one for WU.
I have some questions about the site but see no place to ask questions about it!
Googled with no luck.
If not....can I ask here? Or would this be considered off topic?

Offline Rover1822

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2024, 05:50:12 PM »
I think it would be fine to ask in here.

Depending on question of course :)
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Offline TRC1961

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2024, 06:16:29 PM »
Hello Rover,

I'll get a bunch of questions going.
Just got in from continuing construction on a new mast for the sensor.
Old dude here :lol:
Thanks for the reply

Offline TRC1961

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2024, 07:38:35 PM »
Well, lets try this......

* Dashboard_Tiles:
.Can I move tiles around to where I want?
.arrow under tiles, no pop up tool tip. What does this do? I do not click on things without knowing what it is :lol: And how to undo it.
.Just to say, I do understand the other widgets.

* Graphs & Tablets:
."Specific Date" setting...Make this setting permanent? Other than "Date Range".

* Map
. Radar_ set resolution? Set speed?
. Wind_set resolution? Set speed?

Would like to do this:
Enter Gift code for 1 Year FREE annual subscription
Where do I get this code?
Last image/widget on the page!!!!

That should do for now :lol:

Thanks for any here [tup]

Offline Gyvate

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2024, 02:55:16 AM »
1. welcome here in the forum
2. please hae a look into our WiKi - the AWN dashboard is described there - maybe not in completeness yet but already quite some information is available:
we want to cover all aspects of the Fine Offset product world including Ambient here
3. Ambient plays a special role in the Fine Offset universe as they have set up certain restrictions for their "galaxy"
4. your questions
4.1 moving tiles - as far as I know - is not possible - you can change the view (maximize) but tthat's it. Maximizing one tile will move it to the top and going back to the original size will bring it back to the original position
4.2 mini-icons, arrows etc. - should (could) be self-explanatory +=maximize, -=minimize (hide, go to bottom), "arrow" (meant be a chart symbol)= go to the graphs
with the mouse hovering/resting on the symbol, some explanatory text should appear
if you are completely messed up, restart the dashboard again  ;)
4.3 set a range permanently (not that I know, apart from the actual day)
4.4 map - if by resolution you mean how to zoom in or out, use the mouse wheel
4.5 gift code - no idea - maybe a Google search will help
WS2350 1.6.7, GW1000 1.7.7,WH2650 WiFi 1.7.7, GW1100 2.3.7, GW1200 1.3.5, GW2000 3.1.7, HP2551 2.0.1,5.1.8; HP3500 1.7.2,WS3800 1.3.5, WS3910 1.3.5, WN1910 1.2.4,WN1980 1.3.5;
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Offline TRC1961

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2024, 12:35:04 PM »
Thanks again Gyvate [tup]

I did a google search and came up with nothing, would of been nice to find the link you gave me.
Also no luck on the Gift Code, found one but was invalid.
And thanks for that link. Very helpful.

"map - if by resolution", I meant to say "set radar opacity", like at WU WunderMap.
Also the speed that the radar moves/animates...1x 5x 10x etc.
Kind of surprised there are no features with the AWN radar.

Thanks again.
Have a good weekend.

Offline Rover1822

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2024, 12:54:35 PM »
Thanks again Gyvate [tup]

I did a google search and came up with nothing, would of been nice to find the link you gave me.
Also no luck on the Gift Code, found one but was invalid.
And thanks for that link. Very helpful.

"map - if by resolution", I meant to say "set radar opacity", like at WU WunderMap.
Also the speed that the radar moves/animates...1x 5x 10x etc.
Kind of surprised there are no features with the AWN radar.

Thanks again.
Have a good weekend.

I'm not surprised. AWN is pretty much a static website. Meaning it is what it is, and has little flexibility. I know I have my stuff showing there as well, along with a web cam (the web cam is unusual to allow on any weather sites now, so a plus for me, my AWN is at
But the rest of the stuff is pretty much as is. I get what you are after , things like storing settings on how you like it displayed, no those are not really an option. As a retired software designer I can see part of why it is what it is, less options, less support issues. if you want to give them suggestions , you will probably need to contact them directly on an email link. We have not heard from an Ambient representative for a long time here. (That did not use to be the case)

On the Gift Code, I have never seen one, but seeing that AWN is looking for profit out of its site, I don't expect them to be found on the internet. To me, that may be something that would be included on a new console or system purchase from them, probably in the box. I have never used the extra cost level, I never had a need to.

On the website, even at the basic level, it does provide a lot, forecast, etc .

Edit: Without knowing what you have, and if you are also posting to WU, if not , and think AWN is your only option, it is not. You can still post to WU, and other sites if so desired. WU is  fairly easy. Other sites might be a little more complicated depending on your tech level. But all doable

« Last Edit: December 14, 2024, 01:02:42 PM by Rover1822 »
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Offline alanb

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2024, 02:27:23 PM »
I too have often wished I could re-order the AWN tiles. Also, I think in general the tiles and fonts are too large and take up too much screen space for the small amount of information shown in each tile.

That said, overall I am pleased with the AWN site and appreciate that they display my Reolink weather cam. I also use several of the AWN alerts which are handy. For me, the AWN site adds enough value to justify the additional cost of Ambient branded components over Ecowitt. Someday, when it's time to replace my WS-2000, I will re-evaluate.
Alan - Ambient WS-2000, WH31E x5, WH31L, Ecowitt WN32(WH32E)
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Offline Rover1822

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2024, 02:37:36 PM »
I too have often wished I could re-order the AWN tiles. Also, I think in general the tiles and fonts are too large and take up too much screen space for the small amount of information shown in each tile.

That said, overall I am pleased with the AWN site and appreciate that they display my Reolink weather cam. I also use several of the AWN alerts which are handy. For me, the AWN site adds enough value to justify the additional cost of Ambient branded components over Ecowitt. Someday, when it's time to replace my WS-2000, I will re-evaluate.

I suggest you email ambient , sorry I don't have a link. I know we can do that on the site (move tiles). But then the site has other limitations and no forecast. Many of us are able to post to both (and others). It all comes down to preference , etc... blah.

Frankly , I look at the WU site more for the map and its forecasts , I look at my site for sensor information (I probably look at that the most) , both I look at very often. My Ambient site, I look at on occasion. But , like others in here, I have a mix of gateways and sensors that make that somewhat easy.  It all comes down to what you want to look at. I think it will be an endeavor to get any of those sites to change their presentation because of a user desire.  And those are not the only sites you can use. But I encourage you to email your desires to the site where you would like to have something changed. You might get lucky.  Another way to look at it, is that , you do see your data etc, on these sites. 20 years ago, you had far fewer options. Things take time.

You always have the option with these devices, to do what you want with the data. Of course that takes a higher technical ability, but it is also one of the main factors I remain in this ecosphere, and one that is harder to get with any other system (at this price level). I will also groan on the accuracy of the line in certain aspects, however, I am strong supporter of it.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2024, 02:54:24 PM by Rover1822 »
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Offline TRC1961

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2024, 03:16:24 PM »
Yup...there pros and cons to everthing!

I bought the WS_2000, amazon had sale for $40 off, plus some credits I used. Was a good deal.
Reviews were very good, liked the osprey design (didn't like the anemometer sitting behind the temp/rain sensor), and the TFT display. I would of thought being a new customer, would be offered a Gift code, and was, but clicking the link...nothing!

I kinda figured the dashboard is what it is. Cut down on support calls/emails...keep the costs down.
Customer service is getting bad everywhere.
But I get all the information I need, and a plus...I can see what's going on in my home!
I'm posting to WU also.

Thanks to everyone who replied.
Have a nice weekend [tup]

Offline Rover1822

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2024, 03:28:47 PM »
You made a good buy. I have had my WS-2000 for , guessing here, about 6 or 8 years. It has been solid, clean out the rain sensor on occasion , but , all good.

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Offline TRC1961

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2024, 03:49:33 PM »
Yes, been very happy with it,no issues at all.
I do maintenance twice a year, so rain sensor will be done along with a bit of lube.
I use Dupont Silicone Surface Safe Lubricant with Non-Stick Ceramic Technology. Works great!

In the process of building a pivot mast/pole, so maintenance will be easy.
Is there anything to keep the solar panel in good shape?
I just retired my last 5 in 1 and the solar panel was in pretty bad shape. I'm sure ambients are much better.

Thanks for the tip...

1 more question Rover1822...on your expanded Outdoor tile, on each line of data, there's a low point...a high point, then a middle point, is this a average value or yesterdays temp or what? There is no hover over tool tip!
Webmasters ](*,)

EDIT 2: did some math, not an average between the 2 numbers! Nothing at the Wiki page also.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2024, 04:31:45 PM by TRC1961 »

Offline Rover1822

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2024, 04:45:01 PM »
Actually I don't know, I will look at it later. LOL.
Watching the Army Navy game
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Offline TRC1961

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2024, 06:17:00 PM »
Hi there, Hope your team won [tup]

Well I've been doing some checking.
Googled "ambient weather network expanded outdoor tile meaning" got:

"On the Ambient Weather Network (AWN) dashboard, an expanded Outdoor Temperature tile provides more detailed information about the current and past weather:
   * Today's min, max, and average
   * Yesterday's min, max, and average
   * This week's min, max, and average
   * This month's min, max, and average
   * This year's min, max, and average"

Ok, so I take my "Today's min and max temps, 44.2 and 55.2  average it and comes out to 49.7
Tile says 48.5! So I check my math:
49.7 again.
So the middle value is an average but not quite correct!
Not correct on all 5 timeline values.
But anyways, the middle value is an average between low and high.

Been getting lots of help here at WX, trying to pay back some :lol:

Thanks again.

Offline TRC1961

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Re: AWN forum?
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2024, 08:00:07 PM »
Figured it out(talked to wife, works in this stuff, drop low and high values, sum).
reason for difference...quality control!
Thanks again