Hello All,
Sorry for the delayed reply...booted up the pc this morning with a 3Tb data drive chattering away like a machine gun!!!
Finally booted, hi-temp warnings, backing up from the past 5 hours. New drive coming Sunday.
Sorry, I should of said where I'm at.
I assume that my WU ID KAALTO25! Sorry, this is all new to me, but learning quick
https://www.wunderground.com/weather/us/ga/alto/KGAALTO25From here is the issue.
There are no tabs at my "Personal Weather Station Dashboard".
I've had this happen when I was not a member, visiting stations in the area and thought it was because of that.
Being new, I was exploring what membership at WU had to offer.
And I have been lurking here at WU for at least 10-15 years. Just ditched my 4th 5 - 1.
Anyways...just wondered if this issue is par for the course at WU, or just me?
Thanks for help on this.