Hello, for some time I have observed that the Saratoga templates show erratic behavior with the size of the fonts when the website is viewed from a mobile phone, only from the mobile phone and it is something very random. I attach several images, the one ending in a is the correct one and the one ending in b shows the overflow of the text due to inappropriate font size. I have installed the template in meteoviso.es/webtest/m/ and I have managed to reproduce the problem. I only uploaded the template, CumulusMX plugin, meteotreviglio .gif images and the settings.php and setting-weather.php to customize. And the problem sometimes occurs. Does anyone know how to solve it?
I leave you 3 examples, although I can get more, today my page did not make me look strange, but the one I uploaded in the subfolder to test
Note that ajax-gizmo.php almost always overflows
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