Author Topic: Test Tsunami Warning was interesting... 13 Nov 10:49 EST  (Read 743 times)

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Offline tedroche

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Test Tsunami Warning was interesting... 13 Nov 10:49 EST
« on: November 15, 2024, 10:33:07 AM »
Did anyone else's weather setup catch the [only a test!] Tsunami Warning on Wednesday? I'm an hour from the seacoast, but would still be concerned for those in the area, until I saw the list of affected areas started in Brownsville, TX and ended in Coastal Washington, hmmm. The full text of the alert after scrolling, scrolling, scrolling reveals "THIS_MESSAGE_IS_FOR_TEST_PURPOSES_ONLY" Whew!

Full-screen snapshot is likely too big (3.1 Mb) for low-speed viewers, so here's a link to it:

In the words of the great Emily Litella: "Never mind."
Ecowitt GW1100 HP3501 WH32 WN32 WH31 WN34S WH41 WH40 WS68 RaspPi
Website, CWOP: GW0103, CoCoRaHS: NH-MR-68, WU:KNHHOPKI9

