Indeed, as to your comment on the 'older' stuff, most of it was so well built (except for getting tickled by lightning) it just keeps on going.
I have a couple of the Young data translators and they are duty cycle 100% and just keep chugging along. I have two 26800s one for weather gathering and another for futzing around with fixed pieces and just fun. While constrained in some ways, they are remarkably adaptable to many kinds of sensors.
You guys look like you're having a lot of fun.
Question: I see your output stream is described as having lat/long/altitude but I wonder why? Once known, couldn't you just hard code them on the receiving end and give yourself a little more room in the actual changing data stream?
I assume a lot of stuff in going on in the white box at the bottom of the tripod. All the items you list as sensors are top notch, university grade stuff.
And you gave me an idea on how to get stuff from the data logger to another processor (the Arduino) via the serial interface with the WiFi antenna method. I will mull this one over, and it looks like good ideas may have to be plagiarized.
PS, the encouragement and info you've given me for the CampSci stuff and the datalogger CRBasic language stuff took a bit to get to, but is amazingly flexible, once I got into it. You mentioned Python and I still struggle with that language. Everyone talks about how easy it is to learn and it's basic lack of structure (in my mind) makes it a big hurdle for me to master. A casual programming language, it ain't.