Author Topic: Reolink streaming camera  (Read 6542 times)

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Offline ValentineWeather

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Reolink streaming camera
« on: June 30, 2024, 09:41:54 AM »
Added a Reolink streaming camera to the website, I have all Reolink cameras now and use their handy client software, making management easy. I'm using a Webcam host BrownRice Internet out of Taos NM for the streaming camera and the support is great. We were even able to figure out how to stream with audio, but have it turned off due to privacy concerns. For audio to work had to use the RTMP stream to server which the camera supported. I know Reolinks may get a bad rap, but image quality vs bang for the buck is very good. Even if a camera fails, they are inexpensive to replace and have had a few failures, but not recently. What impresses me is they can survive extreme temps in the negative -30 below F range. The streaming camera can be found here:

Offline ocala

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2024, 10:47:47 AM »
I have 4 of them. Bought them because of the 2 year warranty. So far all are performing well.
They just came out with a 4K wireless 180 degree camera. Looks pretty nice but kinda pricey at $200.

Offline 92merc

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2024, 12:11:50 PM »
Looks good Randy.

As far as the cost of the 180 degree camera, you pay for that wide angle view.  But when you can provide a view like mine, it's worth it to me.
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Offline meteosanjuan

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2024, 01:18:30 PM »
They look very nice indeed. I have two Reolink RLC-510A. I certainly don't feel like spending money on a decent rtsp. I have a blueiris server and free access via

There is no money for more....

You can see them in the livecam section.


Offline Bashy

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2024, 11:13:58 AM »
Hi, I have 2 but only one for the weather (E1 Outdoor) but it's not setup for external viewing as yet, I don't think my 72mb BB could handle the bigger images, not only that, I'm not so sure the weather laptop can spare any resources as its already running WD and WXSIM, its just an old I5 with either 8 or 16gb, that said, i wouldnt need WD to run the webcam side of things, AH, but then there's the issue of adding weather data to the camera as well, i did try another timelapse program that did all that but shut it down due to resource limitation :/

There is a problem with the camera at present, I only bought it in January, and that is that it shuts down completely, 100% dead, if I tap it a few times it will come back alive.

When i say dead I mean stone cold, no power to it, I am currently in talks with Reolink, once resolved I would like to find a low resource way to live stream with weather data but also produce a static image for other sites that use the image, Windy for example is just one of a few, anyhoo, I'm waffling, carry on... :D
Kind regards

Offline vinceskahan

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2024, 03:32:56 PM »
Added a Reolink streaming camera to the website, I have all Reolink cameras now and use their handy client software, making management easy.

Which camera model specifically are you using and what software are you using ?  Is it wired or wireless as well ?

Looking to get my timelapse setup up again with an outside camera.  Too many years of using an old USB camera taped inside to a window and attached to a raspberry pi.  Looking for a stable outside camera that will get the job done.  I basically just need to query it for snapshots periodically.  I already have the setup to stitch things together into timelapses with overlaid conditions etc....
WeeWX sites on a pi4:
  Davis VP2+DFARS
  EcoWitt GW1200, WH32 outdoor T+H, multiple WH31 indoor T+H, WH51 soilMoisture, WH34 soilTemp
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Offline ValentineWeather

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2024, 07:02:46 PM »
Added a Reolink streaming camera to the website, I have all Reolink cameras now and use their handy client software, making management easy.

Which camera model specifically are you using and what software are you using ?  Is it wired or wireless as well ?

Looking to get my timelapse setup up again with an outside camera.  Too many years of using an old USB camera taped inside to a window and attached to a raspberry pi.  Looking for a stable outside camera that will get the job done.  I basically just need to query it for snapshots periodically.  I already have the setup to stitch things together into timelapses with overlaid conditions etc....

The only software is the Reolink client. Yes, went with wired Ethernet cable for a smooth stream, the camera being used is the  RLC-811WA. Have 7 cameras, all are wireless except this one. 
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 07:27:42 PM by ValentineWeather »

Offline ocala

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2024, 02:42:46 PM »
Hey Randy.

Are you in a drought out there?
The grass in the steaming west cam is brown.

Offline ValentineWeather

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2024, 03:28:47 PM »
It's been dry (15.55") on the year, only about 2" behind but all during the summer months with July only about .44" and .55" for August, so in the 10 years I've been back these are the 2 driest summer months.  That grass is generally yellow anyway.  We aren't severe or anything, some of the driest years were in the late 1880s and again in the 1930s when only 11-13" fell all year.

Offline vinceskahan

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2024, 04:36:23 PM »
The only software is the Reolink client. Yes, went with wired Ethernet cable for a smooth stream, the camera being used is the  RLC-811WA. Have 7 cameras, all are wireless except this one.

Thanks - went with the RLC-810WA since it was cheaper and seemed to meet the needs to grab a snap occasionally via RTSP.  Like that it has modern wifi capabilities as well.  Fingers crossed....
WeeWX sites on a pi4:
  Davis VP2+DFARS
  EcoWitt GW1200, WH32 outdoor T+H, multiple WH31 indoor T+H, WH51 soilMoisture, WH34 soilTemp
  Davis AirLink (inside)
  PurpleAir (outside)
Home site:  - sorry, but I block incoming other than US/CA/AU due to bots from elsewhere
Wunderground: KWAFEDER15
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Offline vinceskahan

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2024, 04:50:48 PM »
Just for the others who might look this one up, got the camera today and it seems pretty nice although it's a tight focal radius.  The 5GHz is a great addition.  Setup wasn't too bad, just had to light up RTSP in the confusing Reolink gui app on the iphone.

Incantation to get a still is pretty easy...

Call this from cron every minute or however often you want the snaps snapped...

Code: [Select]
now=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
mkdir -p /home/pi/timelapse/out
ffmpeg -y -i rtsp://myuserhere:mypasshere@ -vframes 1 -s 800x480 /home/pi/timelapse/out/weather-${now}.jpg  2>/dev/null

Then at night rotate the directory over....

Code: [Select]
today=`date +%Y%m%d`

cd /home/pi/timelapse
mv out out.${today}
mkdir out

And process into a timelapse....

Code: [Select]
today=`date +%Y%m%d`
logger -t "[GENERATE_STILLS]" start
cd /home/pi/timelapse/out.${today}
# ref:
cat weather*jpg | ffmpeg  -f image2pipe -i - -pix_fmt yuv420p /home/pi/movies/timelapse-${today}.mp4 >/dev/null 2>&1
logger -t "[GENERATE_STILLS]" complete

I rotate the directory because it takes a minute or two on a pi4 to generate a movie from one snap per minute....
WeeWX sites on a pi4:
  Davis VP2+DFARS
  EcoWitt GW1200, WH32 outdoor T+H, multiple WH31 indoor T+H, WH51 soilMoisture, WH34 soilTemp
  Davis AirLink (inside)
  PurpleAir (outside)
Home site:  - sorry, but I block incoming other than US/CA/AU due to bots from elsewhere
Wunderground: KWAFEDER15
PWS:                KWFEDER15
CWOP:              CW6881

Offline hmderek

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2024, 10:20:03 AM »
Just for the others who might look this one up, got the camera today and it seems pretty nice although it's a tight focal radius.  The 5GHz is a great addition.  Setup wasn't too bad, just had to light up RTSP in the confusing Reolink gui app on the iphone.

Incantation to get a still is pretty easy...

Call this from cron every minute or however often you want the snaps snapped...

Code: [Select]
now=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
mkdir -p /home/pi/timelapse/out
ffmpeg -y -i rtsp://myuserhere:mypasshere@ -vframes 1 -s 800x480 /home/pi/timelapse/out/weather-${now}.jpg  2>/dev/null

Then at night rotate the directory over....

Code: [Select]
today=`date +%Y%m%d`

cd /home/pi/timelapse
mv out out.${today}
mkdir out

And process into a timelapse....

Code: [Select]
today=`date +%Y%m%d`
logger -t "[GENERATE_STILLS]" start
cd /home/pi/timelapse/out.${today}
# ref:
cat weather*jpg | ffmpeg  -f image2pipe -i - -pix_fmt yuv420p /home/pi/movies/timelapse-${today}.mp4 >/dev/null 2>&1
logger -t "[GENERATE_STILLS]" complete

I rotate the directory because it takes a minute or two on a pi4 to generate a movie from one snap per minute....

You have the stream running somewhere?
Davis VP2 - Davis WeatherLink -Sensirion SHT35 - PT100 - NTC Thermistors - Apogee Instruments TS-100 - Barani Meteoshield Pro - Davis 7714 - MetSpec RAD14 - Siap+Micros - Davis AirLink

Offline vinceskahan

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2024, 11:21:35 AM »
You have the stream running somewhere?

No, sorry.  I did do an overnight timelapse from stills but got a lot of partial frames which I read is something that happens with fswebcam and wifi cameras.  I probably need to tune the settings I'm using a bit.

I appended a few stills with daylight, sundown, and after sundown snapshots.  Looks like a little bit of dew on the last one from being temporarily located on ground.
WeeWX sites on a pi4:
  Davis VP2+DFARS
  EcoWitt GW1200, WH32 outdoor T+H, multiple WH31 indoor T+H, WH51 soilMoisture, WH34 soilTemp
  Davis AirLink (inside)
  PurpleAir (outside)
Home site:  - sorry, but I block incoming other than US/CA/AU due to bots from elsewhere
Wunderground: KWAFEDER15
PWS:                KWFEDER15
CWOP:              CW6881

Offline Mapantz

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2024, 04:15:54 PM »
I'm using a Webcam host BrownRice Internet out of Taos NM for the streaming camera and the support

What plan are you on?

I'm considering trying it, but the problem is, I don't know how much bandwidth my camera uses, and I stream 4K

Offline Mapantz

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2024, 07:10:09 AM »
Scrap that.

I set up a free trial yesterday and already the service is down.

Offline ValentineWeather

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2024, 10:37:40 AM »
Scrap that.

I set up a free trial yesterday and already the service is down.

It should be up again. They have been pretty reliable only the second time down for me. Response on the issue overnight.

"We were having a partial issue with one of our upstream connections.  Its been disabled now.  Things should be fast again.  Sorry about that."


Offline Mapantz

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2024, 01:10:15 PM »
It should be up again. They have been pretty reliable only the second time down for me. Response on the issue overnight.

"We were having a partial issue with one of our upstream connections.  Its been disabled now.  Things should be fast again.  Sorry about that."

I cam back again, but it's still painfully slow to load my video player and also get to the dashboard.

I'm only using a 30 day free trial, but I won't continue after that, it's just too slow.

Offline ValentineWeather

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2024, 04:37:45 PM »
It should be up again. They have been pretty reliable only the second time down for me. Response on the issue overnight.

"We were having a partial issue with one of our upstream connections.  Its been disabled now.  Things should be fast again.  Sorry about that."

I cam back again, but it's still painfully slow to load my video player and also get to the dashboard.

I'm only using a 30 day free trial, but I won't continue after that, it's just too slow.

It's your call. The dashboard is slow here too, but I don't go there much, so not a biggie.

Offline weatherdoc

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2024, 07:28:07 AM »
I stream using YouTube: with a Reolink RLC-510A. Still image here: Timelapse here:

Offline Mapantz

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2024, 07:38:54 AM »
I stream using YouTube: with a Reolink RLC-510A. Still image here: Timelapse here:

You need a program running 24/7 for that. I prefer to provide the stream to a third-party, so it does the donkey work for you.

I do live stream to YouTube,  via OBS, if there's a thunderstorm risk, but while I have the PC on.

Streaming via IPTimelapse is too much of a resource hog.

Offline CNYWeather

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2024, 07:41:40 AM »
I stream using YouTube: with a Reolink RLC-510A. Still image here: Timelapse here:

I steam my Reolink camera using OBS, but I find sometimes I have issues with OBS disconnecting.
Sometimes it'll stream for a week straight, others it will for a few hours. Not sure why
« Last Edit: September 07, 2024, 07:59:12 AM by CNYWeather »

Offline Mapantz

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2024, 02:56:55 PM »
It's your call. The dashboard is slow here too, but I don't go there much, so not a biggie.

It's not just the dashboard for me though, even the player that I embed to a webpage sometimes won't load at all. The CSS from their end seems to be glitchy as well.
There doesn't seem to be any consistency, and consistency is the most important thing.

Offline Mapantz

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2024, 08:08:26 AM »
So, I used the free month with Brownrice

My camera is offline today, I log in to find a bill for $43. It's supposed to be $14.99 a month. I haven't used anywhere near the 1TB of bandwidth, it's only at 6.7GB.
I haven't got any recordings using up space, and I am using the free 30 days of timelapses.

They can jog on if they think I am paying that.


Offline weatherdoc

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2024, 09:35:06 AM »
I'm looking for suggestions regarding OBS camera properties that could improve the video quality of my wxcam stream.

I replaced my Reolink RLC-510A with a Reolink RLC-810A because the 810 is 4K while the 510 is 5MP. IPTimelapse cannot stream many 4K cameras, including the 810, so I still use IPT for creating images (, hourly timelapses (, and daily timelapses (

To create a stream, I'm using OBS but the video is blurry compared to the IPT video as shown in the screen captures here:

OBS screen capture:
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

IPT screen capture:
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

The OBS Properties Input is: rtsp://admin:password@ and here is a screen capture of the Properties window.
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

Any suggestions for settings I can change to clear up the blurry video in OBS?

Offline ValentineWeather

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Re: Reolink streaming camera
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2025, 11:49:56 AM »
So, I used the free month with Brownrice

My camera is offline today, I log in to find a bill for $43. It's supposed to be $14.99 a month. I haven't used anywhere near the 1TB of bandwidth, it's only at 6.7GB.
I haven't got any recordings using up space, and I am using the free 30 days of timelapses.

They can jog on if they think I am paying that.


They bill 3-months at a time. I've never had a problem and outages are rare. Stream is still running great.

