Not sure what happened, but Weather-Display has stopped pulling the Weather Forecast from my Davis Vantage Pro 2 console.
Before it would pull it and display it in Weather-Display as a scroll. But now it no longer does.
The strange part is if I restart the Weather-Display app it DOES show the data from the console in the scroll, however after about 5 minutes the scroll is gone and no longer displaying.
In addition on my website it shows the Local Station Forecast as --- (Three Dashes) However it DOES show if I restart weather display... but then it goes away after a few minutes too.
All other data from the console is coming in fine and does not stop after a few minutes. Only the local station forecast stops running.
Website is
https://newingtonweather.comNot sure if the issue is Weather-Display or the Davis Console itself. The Davis Console looks like this...