Author Topic: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy  (Read 5685 times)

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Offline Slrpwr

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Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« on: February 04, 2021, 11:12:06 AM »
Has anyone compared the accuracy of the Davis AirLink to the PurpleAir PA-II? I have both installed at the same location and the PurpleAir reports consistently higher raw results at PM 2.5, 10 & 1.

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You can see the real-time results here:

Offline ConligWX

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2021, 11:29:36 AM »
Mine is similar but the Airlink is set UK COMEAP AQI values

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Airlink UA EPA AQI
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« Last Edit: February 04, 2021, 11:34:29 AM by ConligWX »
Regards Simon
Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus (6162UK) • Daytime FARS • WeatherLink Live • AirLink • PurpleAir PA-II-SD • CumulusMX • • Pi 4 • AirSpy mini • Uputronics Filtered 1090 Preamp

Offline Slrpwr

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2021, 11:33:04 AM »
For comparison, here's my Weather34 AQI page:

Maybe I should install the VOC sensor for completeness. ;)

Offline mcrossley

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2021, 12:59:16 PM »
Mine is similar but the Airlink is set UK COMEAP AQI values

Looking at yours the AL seems to be lower at low values, but records higher values. Are your charts 24 hour averages?

Offline josecmorales

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2021, 08:04:22 AM »
For comparison, here's my Weather34 AQI page:

Maybe I should install the VOC sensor for completeness. ;)

Airlink have more peaks unlike of PA
Vantage Pro2 + UV, Airlink, Purpleair, Meteobridge.
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Offline Smithee

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2021, 01:55:18 AM »
Just picking up this topic - i have installed a Plantower sensor linked to a Raspberry Pi, next to the Davis and noting that that the Davis has much higher readings (screengrab attached) - if you then go and look at the purple air map vs the davis map, davis readings seem higher.

My Davis unit seems closely tied to the humidity (i know it affects the sensor) but the Pi Plantower less so.

I guess if you have two units you never truly know what the air quality is :)


Offline davidefa

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2021, 05:10:07 AM »
Interesting comparison, have you other graphs made in lower humidity conditions?

Do you know which dust sensor is used by the airlink?

Offline Smithee

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2021, 11:27:43 AM »
There is a pic of the internals over at the cumulus forum - with a post around the Plantower A003?

I've only had it running for a few days but the link to the humidity so far is very clear to see - i cant work out though why the Pi version (also a Plantower) does not follow suit though.

I know if you have multiple sensors then you never truly know what the correct reading is,  but i do have a suspicion that the Davis one (and thus the global map) is very dependent on humidity...


Offline weather34

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2021, 01:21:27 PM »
my airlink had been showing a constant 60-70 Epa for many weeks today I went out there and gave it a blast of condensed air (common air canister type used for  cleaning out PC equipment ) and below and hold 20 minutes later readings dropped considerably . I have noticed a particular trend to humidity in the past , Im located near the sea front so I kind of just put the observation to one side due to mostly saturated humidity but definitely a noticeable trend.

chart below reveals the rapid change down , I have nothing to compare it with outside apart from an indoor Nova Diy  SDS011 PM 2.5 kit I use .
so give it a good clean every few months ...

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« Last Edit: June 01, 2021, 01:24:11 PM by weather34 »

Offline parkernathan

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2021, 11:40:06 PM »
I have a few test AirLinks (two indoors and one outdoors) since I work for AEM (now that Davis and Earth Networks are owned by AEM).

Here's my outdoor sensor:

I don't have a PurpleAir to compare it with. I also have the BreezoMeter app on my phone, so I could start comparing BreezoMeter with my AirLink.

I have the test AirLinks since I need to learn how to work across AEM companies (in addition to my Earth Networks work, I am doing some work across AEM family companies). We're also looking at some ways to use AirLink data at Earth Networks, hence another good reason for me to test one out.
Nathan Parker

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Offline Snowda

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Re: Davis AirLink vs. PurpleAir Accuracy
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2022, 10:08:48 AM »
For those interested, SC-AQMD has done some evaluations of various devices:

As has METAS:

We've found the IQAir AVP & AV Outdoor to be the better options for us based on cost, accuracy, reliability and data availability.

Davis lacks a CO2 sensor which was a key drawback so we didn't look at it much further. As mentioned above, we saw other reports of humidity problems with them which raised concerns. IIRC they use a single reflective sensor rather than separate emitter+sensor for PM which might be an issue. I THINK the better devices use separate emitter+sensor (and often dual) and have airflow that cleans both of them to prevent/reduce stuff sticking to them.

