Weathersite is a free HTML based Davis console replacement that works with the Davis Weatherlink Live (WLL). It is designed to run on a low power server such as a raspberry pi (or any other computer that can run GIT utilities and Node.js) and can be accessed from any cheap android or apple tablet that you might want to repurpose as a dedicated console. I recommend an 8" android tablet that can run the fully kiosk browser app. Here's some shots.
Client side running on Fully Kiosk app with 8" android tablet:

Server side running on a Raspberry Pi 4b:

The weathersite application design/build thread is located on the
Davis Instruments Weather Stations forum.
This topic in the Station Software Development forum provides detailed instructions on how to build your own Weathersite using a raspberry Pi 4b. If you have questions or comments regarding the weathersite application itself, I'd appreciate it if you would post them over there.
Hardware componentsYou will need the following components:
A Raspberry Pi 4b with 2GB of memory

I purchased mine from
The Pi Shop for 35 USD. Update: There's a PI shortage! Here's a tracking site that can help you locate one:
rpilocatorA clear case for your Pi

Shown is a SB Components case that I purchased from
Amazon for 5.35 USD
(Optional) an AdaFruit Display hat. Without it, you will need to locate the IP address of your Pi and also the IP address of your WLL. This thread will assume that you have purchased this component for a full "headless" installation.

I purchased mine directly from
Adafruit for 7.99 USD but it is also available on
Amazon for ~19 USD.
You will also need a USB C cable to power your Pi that will connect to a powersupply that can deliver ~3A. See the specs. on the Pi 4B for more information.
Assembly instructionsFirst, snap the Pi into the lower part of the case

..and connect the display hat to the first set of GPIO connectors as shown:

now snap the top on. Your completed server looks like this:

Next, download my customized image (latest Pi OS with Git/Node components installed along with weathersite bits) from Google: flash the image to an SD card (minimum size 6GB) by using the Raspberry Pi Imager (available
here). Select "Choose OS" then "Use Custom" from the menu and give it the zip file you just downloaded.
Once it is flashed, use an ethernet cable to connect your Pi to an unused LAN port on the back of the same router that provides the WiFi access point that your WLL uses. Most routers have LAN ethernet ports for this purpose. Here's the back of a typical router:

Now insert the SD card you just made, connect up the power and your Pi will boot. After about 60 seconds, you should see the following:

Weathersite is up and listening on port 5000. Wait for up to 5 minutes while Weathersite searches for your WLL. If found, the display will change:

At this point, weathersite is almost fully functional. browse to your site using the displayed address:port (using the above example, you would browse to and the initial setup screen will be shown:

Enter your latitude and longitude in the format shown and also change your Observation Units if desired. Weathersite will already have the WLL address filled. However, in rare cases where weathersite can't find your WLL, you will also need to enter it. Then press the Update button. Weathersite should now be functional!
Next, you should update Weathersite to the latest version. You can do this easily by using putty to ssh into the server. The credentials have been left at their defaults (user pi, password raspberry). Once logged in, simply type in updateweathersite and it will upgrade to the latest version.
Important!You will also need to change your timezone while you are SSHed in. Launch the Pi configuration app by typing in "sudo raspi-config" (no quotes) then go to localization options and set your timezone.
You still have forecast, current conditions, and radar data to do but these are optional. I'll detail how to get these set up in subsequent posts.