Author Topic: Solar powered weather station with LTE Internet  (Read 800 times)

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Offline HansDampfInAllenGassen

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Solar powered weather station with LTE Internet
« on: October 19, 2020, 02:09:03 AM »
because my english is not that great, I translated this text with deepl and append the german version below.
I am completely new to the topic of weather stations. I would like to give my father a weather station for his forest cabin as a birthday present.

The weather station should
1.) wind speed
2.) Wind direction
3.) Light intensity
4.) Rain
5.) PM2.5 fine dust
6.) Temperature
7) 4x soil moisture

and must be able to operate autonomously with a solar panel and a battery. The data is to be transferred via LTE to a private server using one of the common web standards.  There is no WLAN/Internet and no electrical power available at the site, so it must be possible to implement the setup with a solar panel and LTE. Since I am not an electronics engineer I would like to have components that I can simply plug together without soldering etc. The recording frequency should be around 5 minutes, but can also be up to 60 minutes apart.

da mein Englisch nicht so toll ist, habe ich diesen Text mit deepl übersetzt und hänge unten die deutsche Version an.
ich bin vollkommen neu im Thema Wetterstationen. Ich möchte meinem Vater zum Geburtstag eine Wetterstation für seine Waldhütte schenken.

Die Wetterstation soll
1.) Windgeschwindigkeit
2.) Windrichtung
3.) Lichtintensität
4.) Regen
5.) PM2.5 Feinstaub
6.) Temperatur
7.) 4x Bodenfeuchte

messen und muss dabei mit einem Solar-Panel und einer Batterie autark betrieben werden können. Die Daten sollen per LTE an einen privaten Server über eine der gängigen Web-Standards übertragen werden.  Am Standort steht kein WLAN/Internet und kein Elektrischer Strom zur Verfügung, deshalb muss der Aufbau mit Solar-Panel und LTE realisiert werden können. Da ich kein Elektroniker bin möchte ich gerne Komponenten, die ich einfach ohne löten usw. zusammenstecken kann. Die Aufzeichnungsfrequenz sollte so bei 5 Minuten liegen, darf aber auch bis maximal 60 Minuten auseinander liegen.

Offline Mandrake

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Re: Solar powered weather station with LTE Internet
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2020, 08:40:25 AM »
Probably the station you want is the Ecowitt WS6006
Its not used much as its a bit specialist but should tick all the boxes

The manual for it is here:

The device is here:

It can be expanded to include PM2.5 and have additional sensors

Ecowitt HP2551A + WH65 Tri-Wing (Wunderground: IGUILDFO67)
Ecowitt GW1000 (Wunderground: IGUILDFO68)
Ecowitt GW1000 (Mk2) test environment driving CumulusMX on a RPi 3b
Ecowitt GW2000 (Test)
Ecowitt WS90 Wittboy - Test
Ecowitt WH51 (x6) Soil Moisture Sensor
Ecowitt WH41 PM2.5 AQM Sensor
Ecowitt WH31 (x8) Thermo/Hygro Sensor
Ecowitt WS80 Ultrasonic Anemometer (pre-prod test)
Ecowitt WH57 Lightning Sensor -test
Ecowitt WH32-EP (SHT35) + Davis 7714 Screen
Ecowitt WH45 CO2/PM2.5/PM10 -Test
Ecowitt WN34 Soil Temp Sensor -Test
Ecowitt WN34 Water Temp Sensor -Test
Ecowitt WN35 Leaf Moisture

Offline HansDampfInAllenGassen

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Re: Solar powered weather station with LTE Internet
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2020, 01:43:27 AM »
Thanks for the great suggestion, this seems to be exactly what I was looking for!
Do you also have a hint about the "weatherunderground"-API, which you have to support on your own webserver to receive the data?

Offline Mandrake

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Re: Solar powered weather station with LTE Internet
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2020, 03:58:06 AM »
I dont personally, however if you jump to the Ambient/Ecowitt forum there are plenty of folks who use the Custom server setting to send data to their personal servers.
The preference is to use the Ecowitt format for data as that includes all the data the station can see which is better than WU.

You will also find that the station can upload direct to which provides you with historic and near realtime data so you dont need to upload to a personal server if you dont want to.
Most of the capabilities of this station are common to the rest of the Ambient/Ecowitt stations, it is just that this one uses a 3G modem to connect to the internet and keeps powered by Solar.

Ecowitt HP2551A + WH65 Tri-Wing (Wunderground: IGUILDFO67)
Ecowitt GW1000 (Wunderground: IGUILDFO68)
Ecowitt GW1000 (Mk2) test environment driving CumulusMX on a RPi 3b
Ecowitt GW2000 (Test)
Ecowitt WS90 Wittboy - Test
Ecowitt WH51 (x6) Soil Moisture Sensor
Ecowitt WH41 PM2.5 AQM Sensor
Ecowitt WH31 (x8) Thermo/Hygro Sensor
Ecowitt WS80 Ultrasonic Anemometer (pre-prod test)
Ecowitt WH57 Lightning Sensor -test
Ecowitt WH32-EP (SHT35) + Davis 7714 Screen
Ecowitt WH45 CO2/PM2.5/PM10 -Test
Ecowitt WN34 Soil Temp Sensor -Test
Ecowitt WN34 Water Temp Sensor -Test
Ecowitt WN35 Leaf Moisture

