Author Topic: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019  (Read 14564 times)

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Offline kirikiri

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2020, 05:42:13 AM »
Thank you very much Wim !

I've understand the Windy problem...use of a too restrictive browser (Brave), if I use Safari everything is perfect with Windy ! ;-)

For Zambretti forecast, I've followed the Wiki is now OK, it' out of the page

I will now investigate your solution for WU ;-)



Offline JackKr

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2020, 12:04:16 PM »
Hello ,

I have an issue with two graphics on my website ( Both of them are directly on the frontpage/under the tab home and are not being shown, one is the weather symbol, that's under the thermometer and the other one is the graphic displaying the wind direction.

Do you have an idea what the issue could be and how to fix it?

Thank you in advance and have a nice day,


- Have a nice time!

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2020, 01:01:18 PM »
Hello ,I have an issue with two graphics on my website ( Both of them are directly on the frontpage/under the tab home and are not being shown,
one is the weather symbol, that's under the thermometer
I assume you refer to icon with the ? in it, just above the thermometer?
That is caused by a change of the Metar-website.
=> 2019-02-04 NEW VERSION   no metar
Download (attached) zip of new version of weather28/metar/wsMetarTxt.php,
unzip, and replace current version AFTER you made a backup/copy of that script.
and the other one is the graphic displaying the wind direction.
. . .
There was a change in the Meteobridge tags some time ago.
Change line 211 of scriptsMB/tags.mb.txt from
Code: [Select]
|windActDsc|[wind0dir-act=endir.0:--]|! to
Code: [Select]
|windActDsc|[wind0dir-act=endir:--]|!   ##  2018-11-26
Then go to your Meteobridge tab with all the uploads and use "Reload template" to update the version in your Meteobridge.
Succes, Wim
« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 01:03:12 PM by wvdkuil »

Offline JackKr

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #28 on: June 29, 2020, 02:38:19 PM »
Hello ,I have an issue with two graphics on my website ( Both of them are directly on the frontpage/under the tab home and are not being shown,
one is the weather symbol, that's under the thermometer
I assume you refer to icon with the ? in it, just above the thermometer?
That is caused by a change of the Metar-website.
=> 2019-02-04 NEW VERSION   no metar
Download (attached) zip of new version of weather28/metar/wsMetarTxt.php,
unzip, and replace current version AFTER you made a backup/copy of that script.
and the other one is the graphic displaying the wind direction.
. . .
There was a change in the Meteobridge tags some time ago.
Change line 211 of scriptsMB/tags.mb.txt from
Code: [Select]
|windActDsc|[wind0dir-act=endir.0:--]|! to
Code: [Select]
|windActDsc|[wind0dir-act=endir:--]|!   ##  2018-11-26
Then go to your Meteobridge tab with all the uploads and use "Reload template" to update the version in your Meteobridge.
Succes, Wim

Thank you for the help, now it works!!


- Have a nice time!

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2020
« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2020, 06:01:44 AM »
Looks like Yrno forecast is also changed.
Not sure if there is already a topic about.
The Leuven support forum is not readable for me anymore.
The xml has changed.
Well something to do I guess.

The forecasts contain a hidden warning to the script-programmers.
NB!!! Since we have no other options to contact our users of forecast.xml, we have decided to use this method to get your attention to some major changes with our API
In the first quarter next year, forecast.xml and forecast_hour_by_hour.xml will be discontinued in favour of a newer JSON API.
Vi encourage you already now to switch to the new API.
There are a lot of changes, and you can read all the technical details in our new developer portal

They also show a message to read that warning in the data-fields on some forecasts during the day.
That is their only way to bring this to the script-authors attention, but it looks not nice for the visitors of the websites.

I read all the changes and have to decide if it is worth my time to adapt the leuven-scripts before end-of-this year when and forecasts in the 1.9 version will by EOL.

The script will not be adapted as data will be replaced with data identical to
The yrno and metno forecast  will be identical.  You should remove the forecast from the menu early 2021.
It is not clear yet, if we can continue to use the meteogram-image and the full page .pdf.

The script needs 1 minor change, the version number in the URL should be changed from 1.9 to 2.0 and will remain identical when adding a "classic" keyword.
The resulting xml seems identical when testing now, but I will follow closely if that will change.
No other changes needed.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 03:38:31 AM by wvdkuil »

Offline blainec

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2020, 01:13:51 PM »
I am trying to setup this template but I am getting errors on the "configure" page and can not continue

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #31 on: August 27, 2020, 02:22:47 PM »
I am trying to setup this template but I am getting errors on the "configure" page and can not continue

Sorry, it seems an essential file can not be loaded as it was in the past.
Not that much new installs for Canadian users past years.
Will try to get the file in a different way.

Script weather??/configure/ca_AQHI_list.php  line 34 change from
Code: [Select]
$url            =';to
Code: [Select]
$url            = '';
And / or move the attached file to the weather??/cache/ folder

« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 02:33:06 PM by wvdkuil »

Offline blainec

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2020, 04:15:01 PM »
That fixed the "configure" issue. Now I see more errors when I load the website.
You can see them here

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2020, 04:26:37 PM »
That fixed the "configure" issue. Now I see more errors when I load the website.
You can see them here
Probably a similar error as EC probably changed aa few things in the past years.

AFAIK there were no Canadian users, so I had no reports of errors whatsowever.
The EC forecast script in the Leuven-scripts is working Ok. But i have to test other specific Canadian settings.

As there is a large time-difference between our regions, it would be helpful if you could e-mail me your "_my_txts/wsUserSettings.php" so i can test it tomorrow when it is  day-time here in Belgium.


Attached one script already for the weather28/canada/  folder

« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 04:32:31 PM by wvdkuil »

Offline blainec

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #34 on: August 27, 2020, 04:32:33 PM »
I have sent the file

Offline blainec

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #35 on: August 27, 2020, 04:39:48 PM »
New file is getting us closer. :-)
Not getting forecast or Historical data

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #36 on: August 27, 2020, 04:46:24 PM »
New file is getting us closer. :-)
Not getting forecast or Historical data

You should use EC forecast once to replace cache file, it works Ok here

Your wxsim latest.csv is to old, data from Augusts 6.
Code: [Select]
Year ,Month ,Day ,Time ,WX Type 1 ,WX Type 2 ,Temperature ,Hi Temp ,Low Temp ,Rel.Hum. ,Dew Pt. ,Wet Bulb ,Wind Spd. ,Wind Dir. ,Tot.Prcp ,Snow Dpth ,S.L.P. ,Stn.Pres. ,Wind Chl ,Heat Ind ,Vly Tmp ,Hill Tmp ,T_Lvl 1 ,T_850 mb ,10-5 Thk ,LI ,Sky Cov ,SC L1 ,SC L2 ,SC L3 ,SC L4 ,SC L5 ,Vis Trans ,VIS ,Sun Alt ,Solar Rad ,UV Index ,Freezing Level (highest) ,Snow Level (= freezing level when no precip) ,Convection index (1=very unlikely...2=unlikely...3=sctd.possible...4=sctd.likely...5=numerous likely) ,Severe index (1=very unlikely...2=unlikely...3=sctd.possible...4=sctd.likely...5=numerous likely) ,1 min Gust ,10 min Gust ,1 hr Gust ,6 hr Gust ,FFDI ,FWI ,Average ,WBGT
  ,  ,  ,hrs (DST) , , ,deg C ,deg C ,deg C ,pct ,deg C ,deg C , km/hr ,deg ,mm ,cm ,mb (in.Hg x 33.864) , ,deg C ,deg C ,deg C ,deg C ,deg C ,deg C ,meters ,deg C ,pct ,pct ,pct ,pct ,pct ,pct ,pct ,km ,deg ,W/m^2 ,  ,meters ASL ,meters ASL ,  ,  , km/hr , km/hr , km/hr , km/hr ,  ,  ,  ,deg C
 2020  , 8  , 6  , 15  ,DNS.OVCST  ,PROB. DRZL , 29  , 18.3  , 17  , 26.1  , 7.6  , 16  , 15.4  , 256  , 0  , 0  , 995.3  , 879.8  , 29  , 29.3  , 29.5  , 28.5  , 24.4  , 26  , 5795.5  ,-8.1  , 100  , 100  , 0  , 0  , 0  , 0  , 19.4  , 28.9  , 52  , 158.9  , 2.2  , 4263  , 4263  , 0  , 0.36  , 25.6  , 32.1  , 38.2  , 45.4  , 16.9  , 35.7  , 26.3  , 20.8  ,2020-08-06_21:00_UTC
 2020  , 8  , 6  , 15.5  ,CLOUDY     ,PROB. DRZL , 29.2  , 30.3  , 28.7  , 26  , 7.6  , 16.1  , 15.7  , 256  , 0  , 0  , 995.5  , 880  , 29.2  , 29.5  , 29.8  , 28.6  , 23.7  , 25.4  , 5790.7  ,-7.2  , 85.4  , 83.3  , 0.1  , 3.2  , 0  , 9.6  , 38.3  , 28.7  , 49.1  , 298.7  , 3.1  , 4227  , 4227  , 1.85  , 1.9  , 22.9  , 28.5  , 33.7  , 39.9  , 17.4  , 36.9  , 27.1  , 21.7  ,2020-08-06_21:30_UTC
 2020  , 8  , 6  , 16  ,M.CLOUDY   ,PROB. DRZL , 29.6  , 30.7  , 29.1  , 25.5  , 7.7  , 16.3  , 16  , 256  , 0  , 0  , 995.9  , 880.4  , 29.6  , 29.9  , 30.2  , 29  , 23.5  , 25.3  , 5783.1  ,-6.8  , 74.9  , 66.7  , 0.2  , 6.5  , 0  , 19.2  , 54.2  , 28.6  , 45.7  , 395.7  , 3.4  , 4156  , 4156  , 2.55  , 2.36  , 23.7  , 29.6  , 35.2  , 41.8  , 18.1  , 38.1  , 28.1  , 22.5  ,2020-08-06_22:00_UTC

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2020, 03:49:07 AM »
. . .  You should use EC forecast once to replace cache file, it works Ok here  . . .
Your site has problems with the EC forecast, the script is unable to get the data from EC
Module ec_fct_generate_html.php (42): No good data - ending script
I have no idea why the script is not working at your website while it is working OK at mine.

Both websites are using PHP7.22. The only difference is your site is using windows.

Attached the EC script with added debug code.  This will help pinpoint the problem.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2020, 03:50:48 AM by wvdkuil »

Offline blainec

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #38 on: August 28, 2020, 09:08:47 AM »
I installed the script and now EC forecast shows.
Another issue is the radar maps. They are not working for my location

« Last Edit: August 28, 2020, 09:26:33 AM by blainec »

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #39 on: August 28, 2020, 09:45:51 AM »
I installed the script and now EC forecast shows.
I switched of the checking SSL_VERIFYHOST and SSL_VERIFYPEER  as that could be the problem.
Another issue is the radar maps. They are not working for my location
As I answered in the first mail before you started this installation, there were no Canadian users in the past years.
So there was no way I could find those http/https problems, changed data-API a.s.o.

Early next year, there will be a new release and I will do my best to add most of the specific code for Canadian users.
At this moment in time, I am unable to do that. Sorry.

Your current Saratoga template has all radars and is working without errors. So maybe you can use the links you are using there.


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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #40 on: September 04, 2020, 10:07:45 AM »
Perhaps an easy one to answer: My webpage displays a red LED and says it is out of service every afternoon after 1pm. It goes green after 1am. I have hunted high and low for the cause. Everything else seems to work fine.

Great template by the way, many thanks for your work on it.

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #41 on: September 04, 2020, 10:51:48 AM »
Perhaps an easy one to answer: My webpage displays a red LED and says it is out of service every afternoon after 1pm. It goes green after 1am. I have hunted high and low for the cause. Everything else seems to work fine.

Great template by the way, many thanks for your work on it.

Thanks for using the template and for your nice words.

Your problem is new tob me. I have to check why the realtime file for the gauges is not correctly displaying the curren time
It is now Friday Sept 4, 14:00 UTC but the file displays timeUTC: "2020,09,04,00,00,00"

That is based on an upload field in clientraw.txt Northampton_Weather-15:39:42_PM
The time is already in 24 hours format but it has an  extra _PM
I wil do some testing why the script gets confused and decides the time is invalid  and changes it to 01:00:00 London DSTime


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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #42 on: September 04, 2020, 12:00:15 PM »
I've seen this before.  Check WD, Control Panel, Units/Other Settings, Precision/Time/Date/Cloud Height TAB

There are two check boxes:

Use AM/PM clock
Use 24 Hour clock

Make sure only ONE is ticked -- you likely have both ticked which causes the problem.
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
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Offline northamptonwx

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #43 on: September 04, 2020, 12:59:48 PM »
I've seen this before.  Check WD, Control Panel, Units/Other Settings, Precision/Time/Date/Cloud Height TAB

There are two check boxes:

Use AM/PM clock
Use 24 Hour clock

Make sure only ONE is ticked -- you likely have both ticked which causes the problem.

Well done Ken! I knew it had to be something stupid like that.

Thanks for your help and prompt reply, and yours Wim, one for the WD gotcha files!


Offline DGP

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #44 on: December 15, 2020, 04:48:39 AM »
I don't see a lot of recent posts regarding the Leuven template. I suppose I should look elsewhere in this forum, where can I see and especially read more?

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #45 on: December 15, 2020, 04:55:31 AM »
I don't see a lot of recent posts regarding the Leuven template. I suppose I should look elsewhere in this forum, where can I see and especially read more?

Maybe better switch to one of these?


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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #46 on: December 16, 2020, 05:48:27 AM »
No, in my opinion those sites are less attractive or transparent than the Leuven Template.

But I do have some questions about my current template.
Yowindow does not work. Is that right. I've turned it off for now
A number of "weather forecasts" do not work. I would like WU and KNMI to show forecasts. E nothing appears in the menu "set own preferences". I can't find where to turn it on again.
There is still space under the block Weather forecast (summary). How can I display something there?

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #47 on: December 16, 2020, 06:00:08 AM »
No, in my opinion those sites are less attractive or transparent than the Leuven Template.

But I do have some questions about my current template.
Yowindow does not work. Is that right. I've turned it off for now
It uses Flash. You have  to switch Flash support on in your browser, for the very short period that is still possible
A number of "weather forecasts" do not work. I would like WU and KNMI to show forecasts. E nothing appears in the menu "set own preferences". I can't find where to turn it on again.
Yes, WU changed to API-key usage, Yahoo discontinued free forecostats, WorldWeather similar
KNMI should work
YrNo and MetNo are still working OK, also on your site
There is still space under the block Weather forecast (summary). How can I display something there?
Read the WiKi (it is available in Dutch also)

« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 06:07:40 AM by wvdkuil »

Offline DGP

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #48 on: December 16, 2020, 06:43:44 AM »
For WU I tried yesterday to replace my station ID with the API key. Do I understand correctly that the station ID must be replaced by the API? I tried that yesterday but apparently in the wrong place. Which file should I adjust?
KNMI; see screenshot, I tried but couldn't find the right place there because then something in another file was incorrect according to debug. The page opens with no comments, but is empty.
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

How do I get "change your settings" back?

Thank you in advance

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: Support for the "Leuven-Template" in 2019
« Reply #49 on: December 16, 2020, 07:24:19 AM »
For WU I tried yesterday to replace my station ID with the API key. Do I understand correctly that the station ID must be replaced by the API? I tried that yesterday but apparently in the wrong place. Which file should I adjust?
You can not use the "new WU-api"  in the Leuven-Template.
Better remove the links to the outdated forecasts from the menu file.
KNMI; see screenshot, I tried but couldn't find the right place there because then something in another file was incorrect according to debug. The page opens with no comments, but is empty.
I tried some other sites, including the demo site.
That one at   shows that the data was cached on December 16 13:26
Some sites, as yours show no connect / time outs at the same url
Maybe there is a server problem at KNMI

I will use some free time to look into this next week-end, I hope.
How do I get "change your settings" back?
When you switch on debug in your settings ( line 12 - 13 in wsUserSettings) the menu-entry will appear.


« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 07:43:27 AM by wvdkuil »

