. . .Nevertheless I must have made a mistake somewhere as I am not able to get it working ("invalid forecast data retrieved, check the html for errors").
. . .
Well, next time I will not even look and invest my precious spare time if you do not include an accessible link with your post.
You should have posted the complete message which appeared before the complete forecast. You gave me the impression that there was no forecast at all.
I copied your two files to the original download and the weather-forecast appeared correctly. See attached screenshot.
But also a clear message, first line with the link, second line to check the html
No data was retrieved for http://www.temis.nl/uvradiation/nrt/uvindex.php?lon=137.86&lat=36.7
no forecast data can be retrieved, check the html for errors
The UV part does not come from met.no but from temis.nl
You could have done a lot of yourself by copying that link that displayed link to your browser yourself and notice it takes about a minute before the website answers.
That is too long for your visitors to wait. We wait only 4-10 seconds and then try to use the cache, which can be to old to use also.
In that case there is a one-time message every new ( 1/hour approx.) generating of the cached files.
Only if "error messages" is switched on, of course, which you can switched off in line 12 of the settings.
For missing data there is also always a setting
=> line 76 in wsMetnoPage.php, set to false and there will be no error for to old UV cache and a stalled UV-server even with "error messages on".
You also mentioned:
thanks for the info about the warning concerning the yr.no script - much appreciated.
The scripts have changed quite a bit but managed - thanks to the readme file
Good work, fine that you "managed", fine that you "appreciate" all the hard work
By the way, the fact that those scripts are donation-ware never changed in the past 6 years.
succes, Wim