I noticed it. However, after a few attempts, it gets the right temperature. Hence my question to @buffy: what period can I download another packet of data? There is a limit here.
I have fresh data in 2-5 minutes. If I try reload app faster, I'll get same data, empty feed or sometime I download few hours old chart data. I'm still not sure how WU servers are working. Limit in app is 10s I think, I will check it. But you can't download more actual information like every 2 minutes, I think.
btw: I also found problem with chart data. sometime is dataset in metric units, sometime in imperial... Actual data info I have more fresh. Actual data means: Temp, dew, pressure, humidity, solar.
I will add all possible values to "actual data" feed downloading for more fresh information in app.
Paid version is only without ads. In future I'd like add more stations in settings. I'm working on it.
Thanks to all for feedbacks, ideas and information from your testing, I really appreciate it.