I was imagining 5n1 wind-cup type tightness, but the vane and cups pulled off without immense force. I didn't notice any grit, but I did notice what looked to be graphite on the tip.
The grit I was indicating was just dirt, or sand that must have blown into those ball bearings. The anemometer is spinning like brand new now that I lubed it, even better than the new one on the Atlas I was sent for Christmas. When I put the lube on the bearing, and spun it by hand, the first few spins you could hear the dirt in them, and then as you kept spinning it, it was very smooth, and loose like it should be.
Thanks for the pics. It shouldn't be hard for users to lubricate theirs if needed. The hardest part for me was putting the direction indicator back on the spindle. Getting it on with the flat side of the spindle just right was a little tedious.