Can you provide more info about how to capture data from the Smart Hub. I have lots of servers and develop software for a living. If there are some specs or existing scripts I would like the info. I'll set something up locally at the two sites where I use these to do the job. I have DNS servers as well so I can capture the DNS request and direct the HUB anywhere needed.
There aren't really any formal specs written up that I know of. However, the protocol for the SmartHUB is pretty straightforward and human-readable. If you set up a network sniffer and follow the http traffic, much becomes pretty clear.
There are several open-source projects on github you could examine. "Acuparse" is one. User "Billfor" here just posted some code at this link: User "mwall" here writes a lot of code for weewx, and he documents his code well, so I'd suggest looking at his acurite driver code for network data interception.
The other thing to consider is how to keep the SmartHUB happy when the myAcurite server stops servicing them. Basically you need to pretend to be a myAcurite server and acknowledge the data transmissions. You should also send back response codes with timestamp data. The SmartHUB has no clock of its own and doesn't have the typical NTP client (no room, I imagine), so it relies on these timestamps. This is important if you want your rain data to make sense.