Hi everyone! Just stopping in today to give a brief update on
For those not familiar with USA Weather Finder, it is a personal weather station aggregation site for operators in the USA. It contains no advertising, makes no money and exists solely for the benefit of its members. Why not join for free today?
During the last few weeks I made some code modifications that allow the site to update from php v5 to v7.2. This is important because it addresses a few security issues.
I have also compiled some stats about the site. There are now 157 Members across all 50 states. Over 176 million total page views have been tracked to all sites! Of these, about 28 million were unique visitors.
For each site I have stats on:
- Total page views since join
- Unique page views (visitors) for each of the past 9 weeks
- Unique max weekly since joining
- Total page views for each of the past 9 weeks
- Total max weekly since joining
- Unique page views (visitors) for each of the past 9 months
- Unique max monthly since joining
- Total page views for each of the past 9 months
- Total max monthly since joining
I'd like to make this data available to all members easily, and the best option is to post an excel file link here for download. The file has no private information, just the site names, descriptions and stats, all of which are available on the USAWF site. Usernames are not included. Before posting the spreadsheet I'm soliciting feedback from members in case someone would object to the summary data being made available. As I said, all the data is readily available on USAWF, although not in a single file for all sites. A possible alternative is to make the file link available only to members on the USAWF site on the User Control Panel page after a user logs in. A final alternative is to email the data file to any interested member who requests it, but I'm wary of receiving hundreds of requests
My preference is to make it available here to anyone interested.
What are your feelings? Rick
ps - http/https - If you connect to USA Weather Finder using your browser you may notice that it does not display the lock and say 'Secure", or displays the lock with an exclamation point. This is simply because many pages of the site display banner images that are pulled directly from members sites. Many members still do not make use of encryption and therefore the banner images are flagged as not secure. If you click on any of the pages other than Rankings, such as More Info, Join or Control Panel you will see a secure lock indicator. Secure SSL/TLS certificates are available free from many hosts and certificate authorities, and everyone should be using one!