Your stuff keeps getting better by every release, that's very nice. It's probably filling the gap Davis left for 3rd-party developers and independent vendors interfacing to their great stations.
Albeit there's no docs for a large part of their products - the radio protocol had to be dissected by an individual instead of them publishing detailed documentation on it, for instance. That's my concern too. You had to use reverse engineering (and probably some info on the net) to be able to make a receiver and decode all the sensory information available in the radio packets. What can you say about the accuracy of your own solution? Are the calculated values 100% equivalent to the ones eg. the Davis console reports, based on the radio packets of their stations? For instance I know the wind speed reported by the ISS needs a correction table employed by the console or the Envoy, is it used in your solution, for example?
For some time I contemplated on buying a Meteobridge license/Meteostick combo but frankly, these small unknown bits kept me from making a positive decision. Essentially, I'd wanted it to be to be as accurate as the Envoy.