Author Topic: Hiatus  (Read 759 times)

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Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« on: June 26, 2014, 12:45:35 PM »
The hiatus will be used for developer recuperation, rest and relaxation. They have been absolutely swamped.

There is a lot of server work and signal processing refinement and new feature additions to be undertaken. Many have been delayed simply because of the huge demand for kits.
Others have been temporary.
Anybody wonder why there hasn't been a firmware update for some time????  :roll: For example.

BO is entering the next phase,  =D>
- one that the developers expected, but the recent surge due to publicity and interest has hit them like a tsunami.
Refinements need to be made  which would normally have been implemented gradually.

And that's regardless of any changes or adaptations to kit style or board production. They're not going to do a darn thing that makes station kits more expensive,  if possible -- or anything that involves more complex international or local laws, or Customs requirements. And they already know how to obtain partial or complete kit builds if the need benefits the network and operators. These guys know where they're going, pretty much, although they have been hit with a sudden demand that has shocked them and stretched resources to the limit.

Speculate all we will, but let's leave the developers alone to regroup, go fishing, play with the hole in their tee-shirt, whatever -- not bombard them with questions, suggestions, brainstorming, etc... Especially on the Blitzortung boards and with emails. It's not necessary, in most cases, when many such have already been, or can be, answered right here.

And if you are delayed in getting on board - good things coming! Hint: :-$ Go Dual.
Be patient, and sometime about August 10th start renewing your requests to join!

Current operators?  Refine your settings, get to know your environment, try to find settings for best quality of signals, rather than just numbers. Just because we get a lot of signals and stroke counts doesn't necessarily mean the quality of signals will be usable for... you guessed it... phases 2 and 3... (as I'm 'naming' them)

Ever wonder why only one channel of data is actually used on the server?  ;)

Ain't this fun???

« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 12:57:15 PM by Cutty Sark Sailor »

