Author Topic: Welcome  (Read 8029 times)

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Offline DataCrunchTech

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« on: September 10, 2008, 12:53:34 AM »
Hi, I'm Jason Gayman, creator of the ImageSalsa Web Cam and MovieSalsa Time-Lapse Movie Generation software.

I happy to bring my support to  I wasn't able to spend too much time on the Ambient forums and I won't make any promises here either -- feel free to send a support email to or -- but I will certainly be around posting if anything new happens or if there are any software updates.  I've also setup this forum to notify me (via email) on any new posts so that I don't stay too far out of any important discussions.

As for a quick state-of-the-software:

Admittably, no new changes have been published in awhile -- mostly because the existing features are mostly working pretty well.  I've been working through support on email and compiling a long list of customer-requested features to implement (some easy and some will take awhile). 

I've also moved my development system over to Vista to make sure we're still 100% compatible with the new software.  That created a couple headaches, however, as a lot of the third-party packages that I'm using (FTP and DirectShow libraries, for example) had outdated registration/installation packages that -- out of an attempt to make it difficuly to copy and steal from the developers -- have made it a challenge for legitimate customers to install, develop to, and distribute to my customers.  So, until I get these resolved, I can't create any new installation packages.  Dollars talk, however, so I expect to have this resolved soon.

As for the website, I've gotten some emails informing me that Firefox has some issues with the Java Apps on the website.  First, I'd like to thank John (WXWP) for creating the original template for  Second, I've been developing a new website at  It is still far from being complete, but rather than fix incompatibilities on the old site, I'm concentrating efforts on the new site.  So, please hang tight.  Note that the new site will eventually offer a much-better user experience -- both in support information and self-help.  For example, I expect new customers who purchase direct through the new site will have access to their registration keys at any time in the future if they create a basic user account.  Existing customers will have new accounts created automatically from their email addresses where they can access existing registration keys. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send me an email at any time.  Also feel free to post here, as I know some of the users here are extremely knowledgeable about both ImageSalsa and MovieSalsa and are great at helping folks out.  And I'll try to poke in from time to time as well.

Home of ImageSalsa and MovieSalsa

Offline saratogaWX

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Re: Welcome
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2008, 01:02:26 AM »
Thanks very much for joining us, giving your time to answer questions, and letting us know about the developments with your products!

Best regards,
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
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Offline Anole

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Re: Welcome
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 07:46:34 AM »
Welcome Jason! Your appearance is very timely for me anyway. I'm finally getting around to setting up a timelapse using movie salsa and I know I'm going to have some questions.


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Re: Welcome
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2008, 08:23:34 AM »
Great to see you Jason and thanks for a the great products!   =D> I glad you have joined us here at WxForum.
Look forward to some more great stuff!   :grin:
