Ocala is apparently having trouble accessing the forum and asked that I post about this. I think he had a great idea. The Subject: is at the top of every findU page. I've already sent Steve a $100 check to help out, and inquired about him accepting direct advertising as well.
Here's the text from the
findU needs your help!
findU has continued to grow in popularity, currently getting more than 1.6 million hits a day. That is about 50% growth over last year! Hosting servers of this size is quite a task, and while one server is hosted in a donated academic site, the other is in the process of moving between two commercial datacenters. The owner of the first comany is exiting the business, and the owner of the new site has agreed to give me a generous discount, but I still do need to pay for the site, and overnighting a 70 pound server between Florida and Pennsylvania is no minor expense.
Last year I collected donations for the hosting charge and for an upgrade of the hard drive system. When I investigated the upgrading process, I decided findU was better off for with a new server which would only cost $2000 more. The hardware is presently working great on both servers, and for the first time in a while I think the present hardware will hold demand for the next year. Sadly, Google revenue continues to drop, advertising is the first place companies scrimp in a recession.
findU will survive, I've already fronted most of the expenses, there is no threat of it going away this year. Whether you are able to give, or whether you choose to give, the service will remain free and open to all. I wish I did not need to beg, it very much goes against my grain. Times are tough for everyone, and I am very thankful that I am better off than most. I have donated thousands of hours of my time to APRS and findU, I'll continue to do that. findU is my baby, and I want to keep it available. I simply cannot jeopardize my financial future any longer, findU must pay its own way from this point forward. At a minimum I must raise the $850 annual hosting fee, whatever the FedEx charge for shipping amounts to, and make a dent in the $2000 debt on the new server. If I can't, this will be the last year.
If you are able to give, even a little, please consider doing so. If you are not able, please do not feel bad about it.
If you do wish to give, you can use this button, or PayPal to k4hg@tapr.org. If you prefer to mail a check, you may do so at
Steve Dimse
56200 Overseas Highway
Marathon, FL 33050
Thank you! Steve Dimse