And off we go for another ride!
1/ ALL THE ITALIANS know my installation perfectly, the only difference being that my shelters are now 1m60 off the ground in a corridor WITH NO SHADOWS.
2/ There's another post for people who want to air their grievances against Barani.
3/ If Barani has decided, for reasons of its own, to stop selling direct, please voice your grievances to whoever is entitled.
4/ Those who want a TS100, I advise them to study the final price carefully so that it is REALLY usable, not forgetting the sensor that will withstand the air flow, a real pyro, not forgetting also the cost of replacing the engine, and yes it is not exempt from breakdowns in humid environments!
5/ Yes I think I have a privilege, but this privilege also imposes providing detailed reports of TECHNICAL incidents (I'm not talking about weather).
Who here can speak, with professional experience, of reliability in electronics, mechanics and materials? Do you think that all I can say to Jan is "your thing doesn't work, I've got x less than on y? Your engine doesn't work, etc. Well no, it's much more technical and you have to be able to keep up technically!
Why did I pay for parcels from Portugal to Belgium to bring back materials? To impress? Well no, to look into the details.
Really pitiful!