Hi Mauro63,
I think you forgot that you actually do upload data to wunderground. Or is this not your station? https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/IMONTE151
I thought it would be too coincidental that a station near you (I think this is near you?) has the exact same weatherstation. I guess you once setup up but nevr looked back may be.
I think it isn't just me who is interested in how the current interface of Barani works. It would be appreciated if you could find the time and show some printscreens may be?
Also very interesting is if Barani will get us much better support for existing third party weatherdata sites and/or is this a wunderground/wow look alike with only Barani station on it? In the latter case it of course helps but again it is restricting and not so flexible I think.
It seems I do not need to convince you basically, but to show you how restrictive a 10 minute intervall is an example of last night. The lowest 10 minute value on WU on my station was 9,8 C. But as it accepts rapidfire all other minima are stored as well...And that minimum was 9,5 C. So that is 0,3 C difference.
I appreciate that you already spend a lot of time answering all those questions, so sorry to ask even more! Thanks in advance!
Hello Jorginho,
no, no it's mine Meteohelix, simply I do not use WUnderground to check data, that's all
Usually, I use the allmeteo portal data, where I can find all the data, the transmission is every 10 minutes but the sampling time is 1 second for Meteowind and, if I remember well, 5 seconds or less for temperature and humidity, the allmeteo portal contains the minimum, maximum and average data for every parameter of all the samplings
I can export all data in a csv format and after this step I can make graphs, analysis and every needs in a spreadsheet.
If you want to improve the knowledge about meteo allportal, you can sign, even if you haven't a Meteohelix weather station or other Barani's equipment, you will have low functions but can be useful, but I'm glad to add here some screenshots, hoping this could be useful
about the last part, do not worry, it's a pleasure for me
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