Weather Software > Weather Display

Serial to USB Change Over


Hi All,

Has anybody done Serial to USB changes from the Davis Vantage Pro+ console to the computer that houses WD?  If so, what changes must be done so that WD will communicate with the Davis console after changing from Serial to USB?

I have been using the Serial connection for many years for about 15+ years that was using Windows 7 that had a serial card that worked pretty well and I upgraded to another computer for WD and was using the Serial port that is on the MB, but the serial port sometimes goes to sleep for some reason. I have to exit WD and restart WD to get it working. Sometimes it goes for a number of days and goes to sleep and I have to do that restart of WD to get it working again. This computer does not have a slot that I could use the serial card from the old computer that would fit to the updated computer. I am using Windows 10 Pro as the OS on this updated computer that I am currently using.  I just bought amd got the Davis USB WeatherLink and have not done the switch over yet.

Any suggestions or recommendations will be welcome.


--Stan Y.
   Maui, Hawaii


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