Ok, so I switched to using an RTL SDR instead of a regular radio for the MSP one. It's about the same, but now I don't need the radio or sound card and it's on a Raspberry Pi 3 and I'm using this:
http://www.nooelec.com/store/sdr/sdr-receivers/nesdr-mini-2-plus.html and I purchased a kit that includes an SMA adapter which have connected to an antenna in my attic. Here's what I used for the command line, I started it in screen so that I can detach from it:
rtl_fm -f 162.55M -s 48000 -l 0 | lame -s 48000 --lowpass 3200 --abr 64 --scale 9 -r -m m - - | ezstream -c /etc/ezstream.xml
I might need to tweek the lowpass and scale numbers, but it's not too bad. My ezstream.xml file looks like this:
EXAMPLE: MP3 playlist stream WITHOUT reencoding
This example streams a playlist that contains only MP3 files. No other file
formats may be listed. Since ezstream will not be doing any reencoding, the
resulting stream format (bitrate, samplerate, channels) will be of the
respective input files.
The following settings are used to describe your stream to the server.
It's up to you to make sure that the bitrate/samplerate/channels
information matches up with your input stream files. Note that
<svrinfoquality /> only applies to Ogg Vorbis streams.
<svrinfoname>Minneapolis, Minnesota Weather Radio</svrinfoname>
<svrinfodescription>NOAA Weather Radio KEC65 162.55Mhz</svrinfodescription>
Prohibit the server to advertise the stream on a public YP directory:
Seems to be working ok, now I don't need darkice either. Anyway, let me know how it's working.