Hello Wim,
- is it possible to include a Google Analytics key somewhere ?
Probably yes, but have never done so. Maybe another user knows where to find the "how to" guide
- is it possible to cancel the display of the console forecast ? I never believe in the erratic forecasts issued from there
You refer to the forecast in the header?
./scriptsMB/tags.mb.txt line 268 the Davis forecast is loaded by Meteobridge
fcstTxt|[forecast-text:Data will be reloaded in]|!
You can change that in a fixed text explaining the counter at the right
fcstTxt|Data will be reloaded in|!
Others insert a saying about the weather in the used field itself
$ws['fcstTxt] , some even dynamically in the script where that line is displayed.
Or you can change the settings inside the script which displays the gauges in the header. Script
./gauges/gaugeFrame.php lines 7-16
$disp_lcd_line = true; # true or false if no display of the line with led / forecast /counter
# # following lcd settings are ignored if disp_lcd_line is set to false
$disp_lcd_place = 'bottom'; # 'bottom' = below gauges or 'top' = above gauges.
$disp_lcd_led = true; # true or false if no display of the LED
$disp_lcd_fct = true; # true or false if no display of the forecast line
$disp_lcd_count = true; # true or false if no display of the counter.
$lcd_fct_width = 500; # width of the LCD with forcast text, if displayed
$lcd_height = 15; #
$lcd_line_loc = 'center'; # 'center' 'left' 'right'
- I have seen somewhere in the files a place where to place a "WU key", is that the password or an API key ?
Thanks in advance, Daniel
The "WU key" is not supported inside the template scripts anymore. So you only have to add a line in
./_my_texts/wsUserSettings.php $SITE["wuKey"] = false;
This will remove the error about a missing wuKey.