I've been running VWS for years, but recently changed stations, and I'm taking a new look at all the setup options. I have VWS set to log data in one minute intervals, and I do get entries every minute. So far so good.
The question is how that data is chosen. Does VWS just grab a single reading every minute, or does it monitor all the readings for a minute, then generate the entry based on that? I guess I'd be hoping that it would average readings like temp, and wind speed, but report the highest reading it saw for wind gust. My guess is that it just grabs a reading once a minute.
Bottom line is that the station (VP2+) updates every 2.5 seconds, and I send data to WU every 2 seconds. I would like to somehow be able to log every single data sample to my computer, but I haven't figured out a way to do that yet. Will VWS (or any other SW) do that?