Weather Related Organizations > AWEKAS
AWEKAS Responsiveness?
I've recently released a new version of the Weather Station Data Logger (WSDL) which supports AWEKAS (link below). I have tried to contact them for two things:
1) I would like to supply them with a configuration guide for WSDL.
2) I'd like them to list WSDL in the list of software that supports AWEKAS.
I've tried several different ways to get in touch with them with zero success. Does anybody have any suggestions -- or this this typical behavior from AWEKAS?
Hit or miss every time I've contacted them. I've only had a couple times I wanted to talk with someone though. Always been through the "Wishes and Suggestions" section. Just keep resending and hope someone responds. Good luck!
I still send my wx data to them but greatly reduced visits to their site since seeing how they respond to member queries with regard to site corrections and how they follow through with their promises.
You should be able to post your guide in their forum.
What email address are you using for them?
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