With the plastic cap removed you see the top of the motor.
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Here is a close-up of the motor top. Note the black material. Initially I thought this was some sort of sticker I could peel off, but it seems to be some sort of soft potting-like material. You can see some scrapes my screwdriver made when trying to peel it off.
The motor doesn't seem removable and is permanently mounted in the pagoda top. Also, the wires don't have a plug in this section. That makes this section hard to remove. There is a plug to the main board, but the wires are still routed in such a way to make things difficult.
In short, this makes it really hard to replace the motor section. A motor plug in the pagoda bay would make it feasible, though, but I wonder why they didn't do that like everything else. Perhaps that's just because this is a beta unit?
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