Ah, Donnie.. you know how to talk to HAMS... no BS... straight forward... no speculation, "I don't know that"... I'd give a very brief overview, emphasize the fun aspect, perhaps, and then let them lead me with questions... they're gonna wanta compare with Boltek et. al.. about all I've ever done with folks is suggest that about the only thing we have in common, is that both systems detect strikes, one is commercial, and one is MINE, by golly. I built it, I tweak it, and doggone if I haven't figured out how some of it actually works... ain't that a HAM? (Well... old school, anyway...) And I can get instant aural and visual feedback on what I've done. Not only that, but I get to know cool folks like Cutty Sark Sailor, Jumpin' Joe, and those definitely ain't CB handles...
You can use any of my images including Blitzorduck... need the links?
TV Doctor
oops... that was my old CB handle from another galaxy far far away across space and time... wonder whatever happened to that linear I built? hmmmm......