In my opinion with 20cm ferrite antennas, your gain is too high and your thresholds are too low.
I would try reducing gain. Your product of 10x16x40 = 6400, is very high.
Channel A Gain [10] [16]
Channel A Gain [10] [16]
(x 40 is not a user setting)
I would reduce it to some combination that gives a gain in the range of 1000-2000. You could try 5x5x40=1000 as a starting point. Also, if you find a good combination, make the first number the larger one. For example, if you use a gain of "1280" use something like 8x4x40, not 4x8x40. (the "40" is the fixed gain that you cannot control).
Also, the threshold of 76mV is too aggressive. Try the default 120mV or even 200mV.
Once you stabilize to "Normal" instead of interference mode, you can then try lower thresholds and higher gains. You need to make gradual changes. Don't be surprised if you get a good "Normal" mode for hours or even days, and interference mode comes back if some kind of new noise appears.