Weather Software > Cumulus

CumulusMX and Windows 11


Hayden M:
I have recently upgraded my (technically unsupported) computer running CumulusMX 3.28.6, with the Alternative Interface add-on, for my Ambient WS-2000 from Windows 10 to 11. I am curious if anyone else has made the jump to Windows 11, as Windows 10 will reach EOL in October of next year? I haven't seen any issues as of yet, but I wonder if others have come across any. I managed to do the upgrade with just 15 minutes of downtime. For reference, I have CMX set up for 1-minute intervals, uploading to CWOP, WU, PWS Weather, and Awekas, which runs on a Sony VAIO Tap 20 (SVJ20215CXB).

I was running V3 on a PC that was upgraded in place from Windows 10 to 11.  Cumulus kept on trucking.

Recently I replaced that PC with a new one and Windows 11.  Ran V3 for about a month until I decided to upgrade to the V4.  All is working as it should.

Where can I download Cumulus from ?

CumulusMX download zip is here



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