Weather Station Hardware > Weather Station Pictures
Palo Duro State Park
Weather station at Palo Duro State Park. What’s the thing on the ground with all of the white pieces surrounding it?
--- Quote from: cjennings on October 08, 2023, 08:56:54 AM ---What’s the thing on the ground with all of the white pieces surrounding it?
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I think I'm being suckered, but what the h*ll: it's a rain gauge (actually two). Maybe you don't need them in North Texas?
Ha, no trolling, I promise. :-P There is a plastic rain gauge, but the gold colored pipe is what I’m unfamiliar with. I’m pretty unfamiliar with the different measuring instruments, so didn’t know if it was rain or something else.
There's one or two described here.
I'm not familiar with US types, but the one in your photo looks as if it has a drain so may be a tipping bucket. . .?
--- Quote from: cjennings on October 08, 2023, 09:44:04 AM ---the gold colored pipe is what I’m unfamiliar with
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Likely a current or previous model offered by Texas Electronics:
The ring with white flaps is a wind guard: (not the exact model)
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