Weather Related Organizations > CoCoRaHS

Leak into outer cylinder with standard CoCoRahs gage?


Whenever it rains, I find that about half of the caught precipitation ends up in the outer cylinder.  This weekend we got 0.15", and about half of that was in the inner, half in the outer.  I can't see how this is happening.  I don't see any cracks in the funnel.  And this is when there's way less than an inch of rain, so it's clearly not the inner tube overflowing.

Has anyone seen this before?

I would look for a crack or gap in the seam at the bottom of the inner measuring cylinder. There is a weld/glue seam at the bottom of the tube.

Try removing the inner cylinder and fill the inner cylinder with water and see if it is leaking when it is out.

Greg H.

I have never seen that before. Definitely sounds like the inner tube has a leak.

You guys were right.  I brought it inside and put 0.40" of water into the inner tube last night.  This morning, 0.25" still in the inner tube and the rest in the outer tube.  Looking closely it seems there is a leak from the bottom of the inner tube.

Thanks for your help troubleshooting.


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