Weather Software > Cumulus
Cumulus WX windows 10? and data problem from my weather station
I have been using Cumulus 1.9.4 for very long and tried to move over to MX but it seems impossible to install MX without hacking and cracking a code. So I will stay with Cumulus.
However I do have a problem with my WS3083 weather station with this software.
Every morning when I start the software I get extreme values for the night, such as winds at 394 m/s, 17894 mm rain and -52° outside min temperature.
But there hasbeen no wind, no rain and normal temperature like 5°C min temperature. But every single morning the same problem.
It has been like this for the last year so I have to remove the day data files and month extreme etc to remove these wrong recorded values.
But what might cuase this error from my weather station?
I have been resetting it both the outside unit and indoor unit, does not help.
It is an Aercus weather station itself and it has been causing me HUGE problems. But the problem is I cannot afford to spend alot of money on a new weather station every single month to experiment which one works for real and which is a "China play" station.
Any suggestions how to get my weather station to work?
Is it possible to hack the Cumulus software if that is needed to change something in the software. But it seems like it is the communication that is carried out at 433 MHz that is the problem. Almost every China sender uses this frequency and maybe that is the problem?
Have a wonderful day friends and hope to get some valuable tips here.
I'm not sure what you mean by "hacking and cracking a code". You run Cumulus MX, open up the configuration GUI, set your station configuration, restart Cumulus MX. Not sure where any "hacking the code" comes into it? :?
Regarding your station problem, your computer isn't being allowed to go to sleep with Cumulus running is it?
What we can do to support Cumulus 1 is limited, but you could post the debug logfile - it may give us a clue as to what is going on.
Well I tried to install the WX version, and a DOS windows opens and says it cannot install press Ctrl-c to cancel.
Windows 10 is not a DOS computer so the installation seems strange that it opens a command window, if you do not know what DOS is.
Just strange. Have tried it many, many times, never works.
And GUI?
It is not possible to install even less possible to run the software.
Well my computer is turned off during the night and that has never been a problem before. I do not upload my values to the net only save the weather files for personal use, so turing off a computer doesn't matter. It has been working when the weather stationwas new about a year ago.
By the way I have the latest version 1.9.4 patch 2
And the debug file probably does not say anything. The station is restarted several times today and logfiles are deleted just so I can see when the fault logs are saved. I need to find everything that might cause this huge problem.
As soon as the debug file does not connect it only says,
Cumulus debug log
0000.000 : **** Logging Disabled
So that does not tell you anything at all. It also says that when I remove all the logfiles except the month logfile, so that is all the debug file can say.
That "DOS" window is telling you that the Cumulus MX application is running and to now open your web browser and go to the URL http://localhost:8998 and you'll then see the GUI. The reference to Control-C is to kill the application.
GUI means Graphical User Interface, as a reference to an application that is not text based.
Cumulus MX is a web application and it runs inside of a web engine. Similar to your router GUI.
By the way is isn't a DOS window, but rather a command prompt. Sure it may remind you of DOS and have similar commands but it's different. But there are no text commands needed to run Cumulus MX. Once it starts leave that command prompt window open and go to your browser and go to its address.
The neat thing about Cumulus MX is that since it runs as web application it means that you can then use it from other computers on your network. Therefore you can dedicate a computer to running the actual web service with its backend and then use it from a different computer in your network by just replacing "localhost" with the IP address of the computer that is running the Cumulus MX engine. Same as you can reach your router's web interface from any computer on your network.
Cross posted with @galfert...
There is no installation required for CumulusMX other than unzipping it to a folder on your computer. I recommend C:\CumulusMX - do not unzip into your "Program Files" area.
I think you may be trying to run the command "CumulusMX.exe -install"?
This is to configure CumulusMX to run as a service. I would not do this until you are happy that everything is running OK. When you do run that command it must be run as an administrator.
Cumulus MX is not a traditional application with a GUI interface, it launches with a command line interface, you just leave that running, you can minimise it if you wish.
You then start your web browser and use the URL - http://localhost:8998 - to connect to the dashboard and management interface.
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