Weather Station Hardware > Weather Station Pictures
Solar powered remote WX station
I have made some modifications after testing. My previous method of burying the battery flooded so a larger battery is in a vault with good drainage. It now has a 75 watt panel and the solar controller has been moved into the cabinet.
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I have also installed a voltage and current sensor and can read five parameters through telemetry. As a test I disconnected the solar panel and found that the battery alone will run it for 5 days and 20 hours.
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Great setup, would you mind to explain all you can did it (a little guide how to)
Underground battery?
Keeps it warm?
--- Quote from: davidmc36 on February 17, 2021, 09:08:55 AM ---Underground battery?
Keeps it warm?
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I dont think warm, maybe an stable temp.
--- Quote from: josecmorales on February 17, 2021, 08:45:50 AM ---Great setup, would you mind to explain all you can did it (a little guide how to)
--- End quote ---
Thank you. It has turned out to be a much larger project than I envisioned. I am in the process of documenting all of it. I hope to have it published in QST, the journal for Amateur Radio in the US. If so I will supply a link or copy here.
As a note on the progress: My battery will power the station for almost six days, so of course Mother Nature tested me with eight cloudy days. I'm now working on a small UPS and shutdown device for the pi.
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