Weather Software > WeeWX Software
Davis on a raspberryPi 3 (running issue)
Hi all,
I am trying to install and run weewx on my RPi 3. I use raspbian. I have followed this guide here:
However, I 've stuck in the command:
mysql -u weewx -p
I get: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'weewx'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Does anyone have any idea?
I presume you did enter the (correct) MySQL root password from when you setup MySQL? weewx support is normally via the weewx user Google Group,, you might want to seek some help there.
Yes, I entered the correct pass. Actually I run mysql, and it runs fine. I didn't find anything in google.
MySQL may well run fine but you are going to need to be able to access it as the root user or some other user with privileged access in order to setup the weewx db. You may be better served installing weewx with the (default) SQLite database and once it is bedded down and running error free move over to MySQL. Experience has shown that new users frequently run into problems trying to go straight to MySQL.
When I mentioned the weewx user Google group I meant post your question there rather than search for an answer. weewx support in normally provided in that forum rather than here.
Stupid question - Are you running MySQL on the same host as weewx? The source host name is tied to the user in MySQL, and I've seen this same error happen before with people running database and web software on two different servers.....
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