You have the data is testtags.php $WUmaxtemp = '52.0'; // Todays average max temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station
$WUmintemp = '38.0'; // Todays average min temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station
$WUmaxtempr = '62.0'; // Todays record max temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station
$WUmintempr = '23.0'; // Todays record min temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station
$WUmaxtempryr = '1968'; // Year that it occured
$WUmintempryr = '1971'; // year that it occured
so Weather-Display is getting the values ok.
Setting $useWU = true; should be enough to show the display, and they are showing as Rec* High, Rec* Low with values and years.
The WU average values aren't programed in the ajax-dashboard6.php for display.. sorry.