I have been comparing the three shields for over a year now using the Davis sensor sht31 in all three. i modified the sensor to fit in the Young and Pro2. The sensor has to be cut down just a little to fit in the sensor tube of the Young and i modified it quite a bit to fit in the Pro2 to keep the air flow as free as possible. All three shield temps were the same at night but with the solar heating taking place during the day and during the summer months the Young temp averaged around .7 degrees higher during the day and the Davis fars ran pretty close to the same compared to the Barani shield. Now the Barani when the wind was calm, which is rare here near the coast, the temp would go up but only to the normally high readings of the other two shields, so just lost its lower reading, so to speak. Now the Barani with just a mile or so of wind speed and the temp started to trend downward and above two mph the Barani was again the winner. Now as to morning temp spike the Barani does have that on a calm summer morning but it only last an hour or so as the sun gets higher in the sky. The highest spike i saw was 1.4 degrees above the other two and with just a little wind there was no spike seen. Having to modify the sensor is a minus but the over all performance of the shield during the daytime heating period caused me to opt to use the Barani in place of both fars shields. So as someone who has used the high dollar Young and the Davis fars i prefer the overall performance of the Barani shield for my main station use.