Here is an example of my local seismic data.
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It represents the last 3 hours data from my local seismograph station and also the last important event.
If, like me, you are in a seismic zone and are interested, here is how to obtain it.
Go to this site: the station closest to you that is active and note the archive and station code. Apologies, this is a European site - there will be an equivalent for the USA.
To get the data and process it you will need python and specifically a python library called obspy - will also need matplotlib and numpy.
Here is the python code to produce the last 3 hours seismic data:
import matplotlib
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from datetime import datetime
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from pytz import timezone
zonename = "UTC"
now =
#this is the archive name
client = Client("INGV")
#the first and second part of the station identifier
net = "IV"
station = "PLMA"
t = UTCDateTime(now)
#this returns all the available data for the last 3 hours
st = client.get_waveforms(net, station, "*", "*", t - 3*60*60, t)
#and saves it graphically
st.plot(color = 'red', outfile='seismic.png')
To get the data for a specific event you just need to change t.
Read the obspy documentation for more options.