Author Topic: Meteobridge PRO display replacement  (Read 3584 times)

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Offline miraculon

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Meteobridge PRO display replacement
« on: May 03, 2022, 04:41:37 PM »
I decided to post this in the tech/home-brew area due to the highly risky nature of this display replacement.

The display on the PRO finally completely died after looking ghastly for years with OLED burn-in.

There is some inkjet looking part numbers on the back side of the display (2864KSWE). After googling a while, I found a datasheet and some other info. The sources didn't look too promising though. Just for the heck of it, I put the part number into Amazon and I found a couple of promising display units. One of them had VCC and GND reversed from the board in the PRO. There is a link URL on the original display, I think that this is the display:, the white only model without the yellow and blue.

The original display had the glass removed from double-sided tape and was loose in the case to be retained by the front bezel.

Here is the link to the displays that I bought on Amazon: This display matched the pinout for VCC/GND. The I2C SDA/SCL pins agreed with the existing one. I was concerned about the address, but these displays worked out of the box. The original display had a chip jumper to select an alternate address, but since it works, no worry there.

My "Don't Try this at Home" disclaimer. I am an experienced electronics engineer, I have designed and developed products and built and modified prototypes for years during my working career. (I'm retired now)

I DO NOT RECOMMEND CHANGING THIS DISPLAY UNLESS YOU HAVE THE EXPERIENCE AND SKILL LEVEL FOR THIS KIND OF WORK! You are on your own and I accept no responsibility if you ruin your MB PRO in the process.

I had a lot of trouble with my first attempt, I think that I might have damaged the glass display during the removal from the PCB. This is the biggest risk, but at $16.88 USD for five of them, you have plenty of 2nd chances. I think that the stresses on the display when the case was reassembled caused a latent break in the conductors to cause the display not to work. The 2nd attempt was successful.

I used an "exacto" type knife and an iSesamo tool to coax the glass display off of the double-stick tape on the PCB.




And the new display operating in the PRO. It was totally dark before.

Greg H.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2022, 08:46:20 AM by miraculon »

Blitzortung Stations #706 and #1682
CWOP: CW4114 and KE8DAF-13
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Offline miraculon

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Re: Meteobridge PRO display replacement
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2022, 08:59:05 AM »
Display is still working fine as of today, no sign of problems...

Greg H.

Blitzortung Stations #706 and #1682
CWOP: CW4114 and KE8DAF-13
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Re: Meteobridge PRO display replacement
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2022, 03:16:28 PM »
This is awesome @Greg! Thanks for Sharing!

Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus +FARS|Meteobridge Nano SD|Meteohub|Meteobridge MR-3020|WU KTXSPRIN75/PWS JRARGWX75/CWOP EW2972/WBB TXWDVUE75/Blitzortung ID: 1142|AWEKAS: 12095
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