Author Topic: Davis Vantage Pro2 & EnviroMonitor Weatherlink never works  (Read 622 times)

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Offline medic149

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Davis Vantage Pro2 & EnviroMonitor Weatherlink never works
« on: January 04, 2022, 06:16:40 PM »
Looking for anyone who might have a Vantage Pro2 and use an EnviroMonitor cellular transmitter to upload to weatherlink.

Davis engineers and I have been working for months to try and get my system to work, but can't.

The station is transmitting to the console with no problem.  Everything is accurate.

The EnviroMonitor transmits via cellular service to Weatherlink, but only partial data.  Temp, humidity, etc. missing.  UV and Sun info reports fine.

I have tried 2 different Vantage Pro2 stations and 2 different EnviroMonitor units.  No differences.

Any thoughts or suggestions would help!


Offline Mattk

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Re: Davis Vantage Pro2 & EnviroMonitor Weatherlink never works
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2022, 06:31:05 PM »
All those things considered, then Tends to point to the cellular service?

And .... if Davis can't solve their own hardware issues then I'm not sure who can?

Offline medic149

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Re: Davis Vantage Pro2 & EnviroMonitor Weatherlink never works
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2022, 08:41:17 PM »
I am pretty sure it has something to do with their EnviroMonitor app.  They don't seem to understand it and just keep telling me there is another station in the area.  Our off-grid cabin is 1/2 mile from the nearest house lol.

Funny thing is, I have a cell service for our security camera and that works fine.  It could be something with the service that Davis makes you use.

What is very bizarre is that on, my wind chill says 134.  The same thing happened on an older Vantage Pro2 console I had that needed to be replaced with a newer version.  This leads to believe its more of a software problem within the EnviroMonitor app.  Especially when the wireless Vantage Pro2 isn't a choice and support says its okay to choose the cabled version. 

Just curious is anyone else has had issues as well.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 09:15:57 PM by medic149 »

Offline Bashy

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Re: Davis Vantage Pro2 & EnviroMonitor Weatherlink never works
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2022, 11:14:54 PM »
Not had those issues but i have no faith in the Apps (WL or Mobilize) or website, i think its shoddy work and when issues are raised, well, since October, none of been resolved, its like weeing into the wind....
Kind regards

Offline johnd

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Re: Davis Vantage Pro2 & EnviroMonitor Weatherlink never works
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2022, 03:44:14 AM »
I'm guessing that you don't have an EM unit for cellular connectivity but a Vantage Connect? (Sounds like you have a wireless VP2 iSS, since you're talking about console reception and wireless ISS units don't connect to standard EM gateways, only to the EM IP Gateway. Or maybe you have a cabled VP2 ISS?)

Difficult to troubleshoot without being clear about the station configuration.
Prodata Weather Systems
Prodata's FAQ/support site for Davis stations
Includes many details on 6313 Weatherlink console.
UK Davis Premier Dealer - All Davis stations, accessories and spares
Cambridge UK

Sorry, but I don't usually have time to help with individual issues by email unless you are a Prodata customer. Please post your issue in the relevant forum section here & I will comment there if I have anything useful to add.

Offline medic149

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Re: Davis Vantage Pro2 & EnviroMonitor Weatherlink never works
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2022, 10:49:47 AM »
Wasn't trying to be unclear.

I am using the Vantage Connect 6802.
Vantage Pro2 wireless ISS

At one point over the summer, I had the Vantage Connect unit at my residence and it connected fine to my home Vantage Pro2 wireless ISS and even transmitted data correctly to WeatherLink.  As soon as I bring it back to our cabin, some data is missing to upload to WeatherLink and the Wind Chill goes to 134 again and never changes. 

They even sent me a new wireless ISS unit to install on the station.  Same issues.  No changes.  Tried numerous transmitter channels.  New batteries.  New antenna for Vantage Connect.  New cellular component for Vantage Connect.  Tried all available options for stations in the EnviroMonitor app on initial setup.  New WeatherLink accounts.  Nothing seems to make a difference. 

I am hoping to bring the entire setup, station, and Vantage Connect, back to my residence this week to see if works there.

