Happy GroundHog Day ! You know there are other ways to predict the way winter will go....
Wooly Worms - If the caterpillar has two black rings, one at each end, then it is said the winter will be harsh in the beginning and at the end, but the middle of winter will be mild. Did I just step on something ?
Walnuts - The thickness of a walnut shell can reveal all about winter. Thin walnut shells mean a light winter, while thick shells mean a heavy one. MFmfMmm...Anyone want a cookie ?
Goose Breastbone - The length of the breastbone indicates the length of the ensuing winter, while the color of the breastbone indicates its severity. Plain white indicates a mild winter and the more mottled the breastbone the more severe the winter to come.
Hey could you pass me the cranberry sauce ?
Badgers - When badgers are fat in October, expect a hard winter.
Uh, does anyone have lots of gauze and bandaids ?
Bears - If bears get thick coats early, then expect a severe winter.
Could you get me more of those bandaids ...quickly...and an aspirin?
Moss - Observe the moss growing on any nearby tree: the more moss on the south side of the tree the harder the coming winter.
Was that a rolling stone I heard ?
Groundhogs - If you see a groundhog’s shadow at noon on the 2nd of February (Groundhog Day), then the weather will be cold and wintry for another six weeks.
I don't know about you but that Kabob was pretty tasty....what kind of animal was it again ?