Weather Station Hardware > Weather Radios

Radio Shack (Realistic brand) weather radios from the 1980s

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Yep, love that site, wish there was a way to archive it into a searchable PDF locally in case it goes poof one day.

Love going through the catalogs especially in the 70s.

If there was a genie that could grant a wish it would be to shop from those catalogs.  Even if I had to spend my own money. :-D

It was quite annoying at times, like CSRs wanting your address every damn time you buy something.
Free battery card, worst batteries ever.  OK carbon zincs but hey they came apart easy and having a supply of essentially free carbons (for DIY carbon torch) was nice.  And those crappy, horrible 5D flashlights they gave away for free!  Ugh!  But I had a six cell D light and I used to put the bulbs from them in that and even with tired batteries it was super bright and white.  With new duracells it looked like, dare I say, Xenon or LED?!  Short lived, of course.  Oh the days...

Garth Bock:
Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I lived at Shady Rack.... bought IC's (7400 family) , switches, circuit boards, etc. TRS 80 mod 1,3,4,4P.....reel to reel tapes....I spent a lot of money there and almost left my Field Engineer to run 2 of their computer training centers....glad I didn't.

This can is only a bit over 20 yrs old......but the pack of small perf board I just opened for a project was much, much older.

Ah, Battery Cards. And the fun of roping your Dad into taking you to another mall so you could skirt around the "Only one Card" rule....or something like that it went. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

That tuner cleaner had a sweet smell! ;-)

Of course nothing beats the smell of cold dittos fresh off the machine! :-D

And for those old enough to remember...Carbon Tetrachloride!  :-P

I worked at Radio Shack 2000-2006

We had old magazines, they were great to look through.

They had great electronics.
The once great RS was driven into the ground by bad management and not understanding the new shopping ways. Also the recession.

I believe Tandy Towers is gone-at least converted into new space.

But RS lives on and is being revived online!!!!! It will never be the same as what it was.


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