Author Topic: The Wind in Weather Folklore  (Read 3273 times)

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The Wind in Weather Folklore
« on: October 01, 2023, 12:23:33 PM »
More weather folklore – this time about the wind.

There are quite a few sayings telling us what to expect with the wind in the east, west, north or south:

When the wind is in the east, it’s good for neither man nor beast.
When the wind is in the north, the old folk should not venture forth.
When the wind is in the south, it blows the bait in the fish's mouth.
When the wind is in the west, it is of all the winds the best.

The west wind always brings wet weather.
The east wind, wet and cold together.
The south wind surely brings the rain.
The north wind blows it back again.

When the wind is blowing in the north, no fisherman should set forth.
When the wind is blowing in the east, ‘tis not fit for man nor beast.
When the wind is blowing in the south, it brings the food over the fish’s mouth.
When the wind is blowing in the west, that is when the fishing’s best!

Wind in the west, weather’s at its best.
Fish bite least with wind in the east.
When the sun sets bright and clear, an easterly wind you need not fear.
A wind in the south has rain in her mouth.

Then we can learn what we should expect in certain situations:

When the wind backs, and the weather glass falls, prepare yourself for gales and squalls.
Trace in the sky the painters brush, the winds around you soon will rush.
If clouds move against the wind, rain will follow.
A backing wind says storms are nigh, but a veering wind will clear the sky.
When the icy wind warms, expect snow storms.

And these sayings tell us what the current weather conditions will likely bring:

When the forest murmurs and the mountain roars, then close your windows and shut your doors.
When the weather glass falls low, prepare for a blow; when the glass is high, let your kites fly.
When the wind howls around corners and cracks and down chimneys, rain is coming.
When cumulus clouds become heaped in leeward during a strong wind at sunset, thunder may be expected during the night.
If crows fly low, wind’s going to blow; if crows fly high, wind’s going to die.

And, finally, these sayings point out a few of the wind’s (or lack of it!) many benefits:

When March blows its horn, your barn will be filled with hay and corn.
A high wind drives away the frost.
No weather is ill, if the wind is still.