Author Topic: New Tempest weather Station with Cocorahs rain gauge  (Read 3515 times)

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Offline Adrian23

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New Tempest weather Station with Cocorahs rain gauge
« on: December 27, 2021, 10:15:18 AM »
Just wanted to share my new Tempest weather station setup alone with my Cocorahs rain gauge.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2021, 12:35:00 PM by Adrian23 »

Offline LibbyWX

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Re: New Tempest weather Station with Cocorahs rain gauge
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2021, 09:19:03 AM »
Very nice. I just put up an almost identical arrangement. Will post a pic when I have a chance.   Unfortunately I am being sent my third Tempest! The first one had begun peeling the 'reflective' surface on the bottom of the wind groove within 4 DAYS of being set up and the barometer was way off and very erratic.  This current unit has the same barometer issues. I hope the third one is ok, getting very frustrated.

I made sure the elevation and height above ground were accurate. I also tried a makeshift 'calibration' after a few days by adjusting those parameters to make the barometer read correctly for my location but within a few hours it was way off again.  I also let them each do their 'adaptive learning' for several days time and there was not even a hint of the data getting better.

On the plus side, the support people at WeatherFlow have been great, looking at my data on their side to see the issue themselves and sending out new units. They pledged to help get to the bottom of the issue and if they have a bad batch of sensors, they want to know about it and make it right. So hats off to them!

Good luck with your new set up.

Offline Adrian23

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Re: New Tempest weather Station with Cocorahs rain gauge
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2021, 09:31:03 AM »
Very nice. I just put up an almost identical arrangement. Will post a pic when I have a chance.   Unfortunately I am being sent my third Tempest! The first one had begun peeling the 'reflective' surface on the bottom of the wind groove within 4 DAYS of being set up and the barometer was way off and very erratic.  This current unit has the same barometer issues. I hope the third one is ok, getting very frustrated.

I made sure the elevation and height above ground were accurate. I also tried a makeshift 'calibration' after a few days by adjusting those parameters to make the barometer read correctly for my location but within a few hours it was way off again.  I also let them each do their 'adaptive learning' for several days time and there was not even a hint of the data getting better.

On the plus side, the support people at WeatherFlow have been great, looking at my data on their side to see the issue themselves and sending out new units. They pledged to help get to the bottom of the issue and if they have a bad batch of sensors, they want to know about it and make it right. So hats off to them!

Good luck with your new set up.

Wow sorry to here all your problems with the tempest. I have had 0 issues thus far with it and really like the station in particular the ultra sonic wind sensor i am loving those 3 sec wind updates for sure. I share my data to cwop,pws, etc with my meteobridge but i am looking on maybe adding a rasberry pi in the near future for templates. A bit on the complicated side for me so we will see. Hope everything works out for you

Offline LibbyWX

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Re: New Tempest weather Station with Cocorahs rain gauge
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2021, 09:47:47 AM »
Thanks.  I had to finally take down an old LaCrosse unit that had been up for several years and actually did pretty well for a low-cost set up. I hope the Tempest issue gets figured out, this is the last shot before I give up and ask for a refund to go with something else.

Just signed up for CoCoRaHS and this forum and am excited about both. Glad to be with a group of like-minded weather nerds (as my wife calls me).

You seem to have been in the hobby a long time, I might be reaching out for advice now and then if you don't mind.

UPDATE 12/31/21:  My third Tempest unit arrived yesterday and the barometer in this unit is working properly.  Kudos to the WeatherFlow support team for staying with me and making this right after TWO new units had the same issues. No hassles and no jumping to conclusions that it was user error.  Satisfied customer here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 09:52:41 AM by LibbyWX »

