These appear to be the same as the CC gauges. But claim to be heat/UV resistant. Might last longer...
Dale, Since "been my experience" was thrown at me a few posts above, (which often happens) as apparently irrelevant to the message attempted, Am I stupid enough to offer some 'trivia' FYI? Why, HELL YES! Of course I am.
STRATUS is the 'Flagship' 'label' of (and owned by)
Productive Alternatives, Fergus Falls ( Minnesota.
Productive Alternatives make the Stratus Gauge, unlabeled, forCoCoRaHs, and other 'brands/nobrands".
Bet that CTO thingy you mentioned is a Stratus, and I sure don't see it worth a fifty dollar tag ±, considering the components I list below. Stratus is classed as
UV Resistant.,.. which automatically makes the CCR gauge 'UV resistant'. But that is a hell of a long way from UV invulnerable.
Lucy P. at '
Weather Your Way' is the official CCR product distributor. I've dealt with her for years. She cuts deals with suppliers, and is real a "trip" if you engage with email when she's having coffee. Having just purchased a backup replacement gauge, ( I keep two active, a third in reserve, and pass on older ones if condition is reasonable) I can tell you that the
current, Oct 6 stock was pricing at $32.75 USD. + whatever shipping she must charge My last order had ETgage parts, and some other stuff, and shipping total was $9.75.
NOW, here are the REALLY neat components, in my humble opinion:Getting the gauge, etc from Lucy appears to me to be an exceptional 'win/win' for a bunch of folks who benefit directly... .FIRST and FOREMOST it supports Productive Alternatives... having worked around such industries after my 1st career retirement, I'm all for it!
SECOND it keeps Lucy going, where she's a valuable asset to ANY of us along these lines, especially with her contacts in some sources... She helped me get an boost to restoring my ETgage, AT NO CHARGE not even postage, which I'll pass along when I undertake it shortly, since this week may have several days in the Twenties, overnight...
THIRD it provides us a consistent, reliable source for standardized CCR gauges,etc. If you want a label, order a sticker for a dollar, and whack it on there.
FOURTH, she's a meteoroligist. She knows what we deal with, and is on OUR side. She lives sleeps and eats next to her computer for questions, inquires, etc.
So I can send any profits directly back to PA, with a few operating expenses etc skimmed off to Lucy. + I actually have contact with a REAL, LIVE person if there's any question!
We need all the friends we can get, I think.